Words War of Nuclear Deal

Iran has sent its response to the U.S
ally - forgets that the reason for these negotiations are Western violations of the JCPOA - maximum pressure sanctions targeting Iranian
citizens even as Iran was in full compliance
Iran will not accept loopholes - ambiguities
The U.S
say that the last answer I got, if the purpose is to close the deal quickly, it is not going to help it
(from Iran) So what I'm doing, to keep consulting with all other JCPOA participants, and in particular the U.S., because it is a request
that has to be fulfilled by the U.S
in particular...on how to proceed
I am not sure that #EU forgot who is responsible for the current situation
Despite complicated character of int
Diplomatic ambiguities can jeopardize political agreements
In conference diplomacy, the successful diplomat engaged in the negotiation of texts will often strive to persuade his interlocutors to
reach agreement on a form of words which combines precision with ambiguity
The two can be brought together in the same paragraph or longer text, more rarely in the same sentence
The precision will as a rule, serve the purposes of his own side in stipulating claims or limits to commitments; the sought-for ambiguity
will serve to allay anxieties on either side or to secure a margin for subsequent interpretation.In a comprehensive paper on Diplomacy.edu
If two parties have strong and contradictory interests, and if it seems that neither side is ready to concede a part of its maximum demand,
and/or if the negotiations are running short of time and the parties cannot discuss such concessions in more detail, then the issue of
conflicting interests can be resolved by, so to speak, simulating a compromise in a very rudimentary form
The mediators may come up with a formula which is open to at least two different interpretations; which can carry at least two meanings, A
and B, one to gratify the interests of party A and another to gratify the interests of party B
Meaning A will thus stand in harmony with the interests, or preferences, of party A, while meaning B will stand in harmony with the
interests, or preferences, of party B
Thus, the mediators maintain the integrity and comprehensiveness of the draft, and, at the same time, make a small step towards elaborating,
at a later stage, a compromise between the maximum demands by erstwhile conflicting, now negotiating, parties
this technique in 2015 when it signed the JCPOA
Americans wrote a completely accurate, objective, and uninterpretable text about Iran's JCPOA commitments which was in their interest
hit by ambiguity in words
Hence, Iran does not want to be bitten by the same snake again in these rounds of talks to revive the JCPOA.Let us all be clear
There is no excessive demand by Tehran or anything that goes beyond the original text of the JCPOA
What has slowed down the United States sending its response to the EU is that they are unwilling to draft an unambiguous text that could
benefit Iran