Iran denounces Kabul blast that kills two Russian diplomats

which murdered two Russian diplomats and a number of Afghans. Kanaani offered condolences to the Russian government and the families of the
two diplomats
He also sympathized with the Afghan families who lost members in the blast.The Foreign Ministry spokesman also requested that Afghan
officials take more stringent steps to secure foreign embassies and diplomatic posts in the country.Two Russian embassy staffers in Kabul
were among six persons killed when a suicide bomber detonated explosives at the embassy's door, injuring at least ten others, the Russian
Foreign Ministry and Afghan officials said on Monday.The attack was claimed by the Islamic State (Daesh) on its Telegram channel.The
attacker was fatally shot by armed security guards as he neared the gate, according to police, in one of the first such attacks since the
Taliban took power last year."The suicide attacker before reaching the target, was recognized and shot by Russian embassy (Taliban) guards