Venezuela showcases Iranian knowledge-based products

TEHRAN-- An exhibition of the technological achievements of 82 Iranian knowledge-based business was held in Venezuela on Wednesday.On
Tuesday, agents of more than 82 knowledge-based companies traveled to Caracas with the aim of exchanging experiences and holding
meetings.The companies are active in the fields of oil, gas, petrochemicals, health, pharmaceuticals, information and communications
technology, agriculture, and machinery, ISNA reported.On the 2nd day of the journey, an exclusive exhibit of Iranian knowledge-based and
imaginative items was held, which was attended by Venezuelan ministers of market, ICT, farming, health, and science and 350 agents of
technology companies.In August, Venezuelan Minister of Science and Technology Gabriela Servilia Jimenez in a meeting with Iranian Vice
President for Science and Technology Sourena Sattari expressed interest to use Irans technological capabilities in the fields of medical
devices, animal husbandry innovations, growing of medicinal plants, animal medication, farming, advanced materials, and the
environment.Strengthening knowledge-based business on agendaLeader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei designated the
existing Iranian year as The Year of Production: Knowledge-Based and Job-Creating
Reinforcing knowledge-based business are on the program, raising hope for decreasing barriers on the course to development.The Leader has
actually gotten in touch with all Iranians, including people and government officials, to work hard to enhance knowledge-based production
and create new jobs.The products were related to oil, gas, petrochemicals, health, information and interactions technology, agriculture, and
machinery.In this regard, a tactical technology advancement head office was formed and 362,000 technological projects and 154
commercialization tasks were supported, in addition to the inauguration of 23 nationwide mega projects.Moreover, in the field of innovation
and entrepreneurship environment advancement, 65 innovative homes and innovation centers, and 30 specialized accelerators have been
established with the objective of empowering and strengthening the export capability of knowledge-based, innovative, and technological
companies.So, over 7,000 knowledge-based and 1,600 imaginative companies have actually so far been signed up and started operations.The
fields of biotechnology, agriculture, food markets, chemical innovations aircraft maintenance, steel, gas, pharmaceuticals, medical devices
and medication, oil, electronics and telecoms, information technology, and computer software are amongst the sectors in which scientists in
technology business are working.Today, the countrys knowledge-based community accounts for more than 3 percent of GDP
And the figure is projected to reach 5 percent, nevertheless, the main objective is to step towards a 10 percent share in GDP, Sattari
informed Fars on February 13
The share of knowledge-based business in the countrys economy has gone beyond 9 quadrillion rials (about $34 billion), and considering that
2019, it has experienced a development of more than 450 percent, he stated.FB/ MG