the polling is over and the voters are done casting their ballots, vote count will begin on the same day.Under the law enacted by the
Commission.(2) The Presiding Officer shall immediately take snapshot of the Result of the Count and, as soon as connectivity is available
and it is practicable, electronically send it to the Commission and the Returning Officer before sending the original documents under
section 90.(3) The Returning Officer shall compile the provisional results forthwith and, on or before 2.00 a.m
the day immediately following the polling day, communicate these results electronically to the Commission:Provided that if, for any reason,
the results are incomplete at that time, the Returning Officer shall communicate to the Commission reasons thereof, listing the polling
stations from which results are awaited, and send the complete provisional results as soon as the results are compiled.(4) The Returning
also send to the Commission original copies of documents mentioned in sub-sections (3) and (4) through special messenger or any other swift
means of communication including urgent mail service or courier service, as may be directed by the Commission.(6) The Commission shall