Iran, Oman FMs exchange views on Vienna talks

negotiations aimed at removing the sanctions imposed on Iran
sides over the past several months, saying the key to achieving the desired point for an agreement under the current circumstances is for
the U.S
to be realistic and show the necessary will.He also referred to the meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of
will and good faith to reach the last step aimed at securing a good, strong, and lasting deal.For his part, Omani Foreign Minister Sayyid
Badr al-Busaidi emphasized the importance of reaching an agreement and the return of all sides to their commitments.He thanked Iran for its
constructive role in the process of negotiations and stressed the necessity of making efforts toward achieving positive results from months
of talks.An advisor to the Iranian negotiating team has emphasized that despite the external pressure imposed on the United States
administration, Tehran and Washington are still close to reaching an agreement.Mohammad Marandi made the remarks in an interview with the Al
Jazeera news network on Monday.According to the media advisor, Tehran is not one iota worried about the quarterly meeting of the IAEA board,
President Joe Biden should make decisions to solve the existing issues on the way to reviving the nuclear deal, officially called the Joint
is a country that has withdrawn from the JCPOA and imposed illegal and unilateral sanctions on the Iranian government and people, the
It is the U.S
that must prove that it is a reliable member and is not a troublesome regime in order to return to the agreement process
response, has not raised any new issues that would hinder the formation of an agreement and the fruitful conclusion of the