Vodafone has launched a number of business focused Internet of Things (IoT) devices as it looks to bring more connectivity to the
workplace.The operator has unveiled two new "digital building" solutions that Vodafone says can help the likes of airports, office and
shopping centres get a better, smarter insight into how their businesses function on a day-to-day basis.The new products include remote
video monitoring and an energy management platform that allows companies to become greener as well as smarter, as Vodafone predicts that the
number of IoT connections in buildings is set to increase from 0.1 million in 2016 to 2.1 million by 2024.Vodafone business IoTThe first new
offering is Vodafone Building Surveillance, a video monitoring platform that works alongside existing CCTV services to monitor multiple
specified area, with all footage being watermarked and stored securely in the cloud.Also launching is Vodafone Building Energy Management,
which monitors systems such as lighting, air conditioning, refrigeration and heating into a single cloud platform that can be managed
solutions present a significant opportunity for organisations to embrace new technologies to ensure space, resources and costs are