EU’s Google Android antitrust decision incoming…

A decision in a long running EU antitrust probe of Google Android OS is due to land shortly. European Commission officials are trailing a
press conference with competition commissioner Margrethe Vestager — to announce an &antitrust decision& at 1pm CET, with a link to watch
the event streamed live. Press conference with Commissioner @vestager today at 13h00 CET on an antitrust decision & follow it live here: — Ricardo Cardoso (@RCardosoEU) July 18, 2018 Bloomberg is reporting the EU fine for Android will be in the
region of $5BN — which would be the largest ever antitrust penalty handed down by the Commission. The case focuses on whether Google has
abused its market dominance and crowded out rivals by taking steps to ensure its own-brand apps and services are pre-loaded on Android
devices. In April,Reuters reported on a 2016 document it had reviewed which said the Commission planned to levy a large fine against Google
and would also order the company to stop giving revenue-sharing payments to smartphone makers to pre-install only Google Search
Reuters also reported then thatGoogle would be ordered to stop requiring its own Chrome browser and other apps to be installed alongside
Google Play store. The Commission will confirm the full details of its Android decision in the next few hours. Stay tuned for more as we get