Ireland proposes mediation to revive JCPOA

York on Wednesday.During the meeting, they discussed the latest developments related to bilateral ties and ways to expand relations in
various commercial, economic and political fields
The also held talks over events in the world as well as the talks to remove sanctions on Iran by reviving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of
with Iran.Referring to the current developments in Europe, Coveney said there is a great desire to diversify business and economic
relations.The Irish foreign minister also said that he is ready to mediate in reaching an agreement between Iran and the world powers,
stating that Dublin will not spare any efforts.He stated that reaching an agreement is a good opportunity for all parties as well as the
international community.In turn, Amir Abdollahian expressed his satisfaction with the level of contacts made between the officials of the
two countries, mentioning many capacities that are available to expand relations between the two states.The Iranian foreign minister added
there are no obstacles to all-out promotion of relations between the two countries and said it is necessary to further expand bilateral
relations through diplomatic, parliamentary and economic contacts.Amir Abdollahian stressed that Tehran is ready to reach a good and lasting
agreement.However, he said that a good and lasting agreement requires the necessary goodwill, realism and will on the part of the United
agreement, unilateral sanctions against Iran must be lifted and accusations against Iran in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)