Netflix and streaming service UK subscriber numbers overtake pay-TV

The rise and rise of subscription streaming services continues, with UK media regulator Ofcom revealing that memberships to the top three
web-based video distributors (Netflix, Sky's Now TV and Amazon Prime) now outnumber legacy pay-TV subscribers in Britain.Netflix, NOW TV and
Amazon Prime amassed 15.4 million paying account holders, while pay-TV services including Sky's legacy satellite service only hit 15.1
percent.Money mattersHowever, look at revenue generated by the two different distribution methods, and it's another story entirely
to just around three hours a week on average
YouTube, with its massive, varied and often amateur content maintains the biggest overall share of viewing time.With the BBC, Channel 4,
Channel 5 and ITV committing less money to new content than it has over the past 20 years, and services like Amazon moving into spaces (such
as Premier League football coverage) traditionally dominated by traditional broadcast TV players, it's starting to appear increasingly bleak
for the old guard.