President plans to halve number of LG members before next election

President Ranil Wickremesinghe said that a referendum will be called to decide on the parliamentary electoral system if the Select Committee
which is proposed to be established fails to reach a decision on the matter by July next year.He made this observation during a discussion
with a group of professionals held at the Presidential Secretariat today (09).The President said that the desired changes to the political
system should be brought about in accordance with the aspirations of the people, as the majority of the population in the country rejects
further that the executive power of the Pradeshiya Sabha should be vested on a chairman-based committee instead of same being vested on a
single chairman
Laws will be drafted for this amendment before the next local government election, he said.Pointing out that the main cause of political
corruption is the Preferential Vote System, the President said that the country should immediately switch to a list based electoral system
with non-preferential votes or a mixed system (single and proportional system)
Limitations should also be imposed by the election law on the money spent on election propaganda.The statement made by the President during
One is the economic collapse while the other is the rejection of the political system by the majority of the population
Many are of the view that the cause of the economic collapse is the existing political system.As we have discussed at length the measures to
be taken to revive the economy, I would not intend to talk on it any longer here but we should focus our attention instead on the political
Today, the political system of the country is questioned by the majority of the people and they demand all 225 members to be dumped into the
Diyawanna Oya
It is not because of individuals but because of the political system that is rejected by them.It was not the political parties that
initiated the protests last March
The people did not participate in protests by the political parties but they came forward independently
Unfortunately, by May and June, different political organizations took this movement into their own hands and then the violence crept in
Along with the violence they attempted to oust the government and the struggle collapsed with it.Still the people are of the view that the
existing political system should be changed
Everybody rejects violence
And we have had to accept it and have to move forward changing these attitudes.Different groups have been formed within the Parliament due
to the party system
It is not a secret that I was supported by the ruling party to be elected as the President
A few voted with other contestants
Opposition members too voted in my favor
SJB as well as members of the Tamil parties too voted in my favor
Hence, I was supported by both sides.I work for the people irrespective of narrow party lines
In addition committees such as Monitoring Committees too have been established
But these have not yet been completed
The country expects everyone to work together
As the People are fed up with village level politics, we accept a new concept today
It is not the government but former Speaker Karu Jayasuriya who recommended the Jana Sabha System.To unite the public organizations in that
village level and working in one committee is what Janasabha is all about
This system which existed before as Gramodaya Mandala is commendable
However, the Gramodaya Mandala had a connection with the government whereas the Janasabha has not
We hope to implement this public assembly program.There should be proper coordination with the Pradeshiya Sabhas during the functioning of
the Jana Sabhas (Public Councils)
The Pradeshiya Sabhas will not be allowed to remove the Jana Sabha
We need to plan how we will work together
There are many questions about the Pradeshiya Sabha system
Many of these Pradeshiya Sabhas do not even make a profit
They are sustained on tax money
Municipal Councils and Pradeshiya Sabhas that receive money utilize it to pay salaries
Hence, we have to think about this system.However, last time we increased the number of Pradeshiya Sabha members from 4000 to 8000
This was not what the people asked for
This was done following discussions between the party leaders
And there is another urgent amendment
The Chairmen of these Pradeshiya Sabhas are the executive heads
Some people are against it
Before the Pradeshiya Sabha system, there was no such power when there were Municipal Councils and Village Councils (Gam Sabha)
Therefore, I propose to entrust the executive power of these Pradeshiya Sabhas toa chairman-based committee instead of a single chairman
The head of it would be the Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman.Now there are finance committees
We need to accomplish these two things before the next local government elections
I would like to specifically mention that it is something we must do
We have informed the ministers to prepare the necessary draft law.Similarly, many people are not in favour of this preferential system
No one thought of the preference system initially
JR Jayawardena, after much thought, proposed the list based electoral system in 1975, which was accepted by other parties
Because it was based on ratios
Accordingly, we held the Urban council elections and the Municipal Council elections
We continued this system successfully
However, in 1988 the parties in parliament suddenly took a decision to bring in the preferential system instead of the list system
Moreover, not just one preference, but three preferences
politics is the preferential system
Hence, we need to prepare a new voting system
A decision should be taken to implement either the list method without preference, or the mixed method (single and proportional method)
A decision should be taken after discussions before the upcoming election and that election should be held under the new system.Then, the
suitable people would be elected
This is something that we have to do
Today there is no agreement among the parties
The main parties are told one thing and the minor parties are told another
We cannot progress in this manner
The political parties need to take a decision in this regard.I discussed this matter with the Justice Minister as well
We will propose a parliamentary select committee to decide on the parliament voting system
That committee has to convene and discuss the matter
This matter cannot be delayed because by July next year a decision should be taken
Failing which, I will opt for a referendum to seek public opinion on which electoral system is preferred.People will be informed about this
and discussions will be held about these methods
They can then discuss and choose one method
Therefore, the Parliament Select Committee should finish the activities entrusted to them
If not, I will leave it in the hands of the people to do the work
We must move on.A lot of money is spent on elections today
I voted the old way back in 1977, spending was limited back then
Today, some people spend 20-30, 50 million per election
How do we repay these? Members of Parliament have been imprisoned by this method.Therefore, we need to curtail the election expenditure
through the election laws
When I contested the 1977 elections, there were limitations
We had to work in keeping with these limitations
We were unable to even spend on posters
Hence, we must introduce limitations on election expenditure.Another factor is that there is no youth representation in our political
parties today
Many work with the same old people just for namesake
There are no new organizations
Therefore, a separate law should be presented regarding the constitution of political parties, their work, how to recruit members, how to
select central committees, and how to select candidates.Currently, countries like Germany have laws called the Political Party Law
We should also act accordingly
There are rules about how to collect money, what are the cases where money cannot be collected
Then you can work transparently
Anyone can go to court against it.Because there is transparency, and because election expenses are limited, the parliaments of those
countries give money to political parties
Money is also given for elections
It is better to give from Parliament and not from private institutions
They have imposed restrictions
Even America has this system
Therefore, we should also bring in this system
I intend to appoint a separate commission to present their proposals in this regard
All this needs to be done next year.With a new economy, there must be a new attitude
Also, some people lay blame that action is not taken against MPs
Action can be taken against MPs if they have flouted disciplinary laws
I will present to Parliament the code of conduct and values of the MPs, similar to that in the British Parliament.Parliament needs to
approve it
In England, there is a Parliamentary Standard Act, if it is not acted upon, it will be reported
When they report it, they have to leave because of popular opinion
No other step can be taken
Recently, one MP was removed from the debate.If we bring all these rules and regulations, if we make these amendments, we can win the
Then many people will go and vote in the next election
We can expect around 85% voter turnout.We need to change attitudes
There is no point in going on protest marches in the old-fashioned way
Now what is happening is that political parties have started leaning on the protest struggles to get public support
But, these protest struggles are not dependent on political parties
We have to bring rules and regulations according to the opinions of the people and give them the opportunity to appoint people who they want
elected to parliament
and Parliamentarian Wajira Abeywardena, UNP Senior Vice Chairman and National Organizer Akila Viraj Kariyawasam, Chief of Staff to the
President and Senior Advisor to the President on National Security Sagala Ratnayake, Senior Advisor to President on Parliamentary Affairs
Prof Ashu Marasinghe, Secretary to the President Saman Ekanayake, Former Minister Thilak Marapana PC and professionals including former Vice
Chancellor of the University of Sabaragamuwa Prof Sunil Shantha, Attorneys-at-Law, Medical Specialists, doctors, engineers, professors and
university lecturers participated in the event.Source: PMD
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