Cloud Launcher has long been Google marketplace for cloud-based application from third-party vendors that lets you deploy them in Google
cloud with just a few clicks
That name never quite highlighted that Cloud Launcher also included commercial applications and that Google cloud handle the billing for
those and combine it with a user regular GCP bill, so the company has now decided to rebrand the services as the GCP Marketplace.
That not
With today update, Google is also adding both commercial and open source container-based applications to the service that users can easily
deploy to the Google Kubernetes Engine (or any other Kubernetes service)
Until today, the marketplace only featured traditionalvirtual machines, but a lot of customers were surely looking for container support,
As Google rightly argues, Kubernetes Engine can take a lot of the hassle out of managing containers, but deploying them to a Kubernetes
cluster is still often a manual process
Google promises that it&ll only take a click to deploy an application from the marketplace to the Kubernetes engine or any other Kubernetes
As Google Cloud product manager Brian Singer told me, his team worked closely with the Kubernetes Engine team to make this
integration as seamless as possible
The solutions that are in the marketplace today include developer tools like GitLab, graph database Neo4j, the Kasten data management
service, as well as open source projects like WordPress, Spark, Elasticsearch, Nginx and Cassandra.