Football tracking tech: how to improve your game

slice of the action for yourself.Well, thankfully with technology now at your fingertips, it's more interesting than having to round up a
group of mates and forcing them to run drills and play with you in the part to help you develop specific skills.These gadgets can not only
playing the Cyborg Cup in 2040, you might as well get on board with the technology now before the human game goes completely out of
sensor slotted into the rear of the harness to monitor your sprints, top speed and distance covered, while letting you compare said
tried this technology in a five a side game, and it certainly makes you motivated to try harder, jogging off quickly at the end of the game
Egypt, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland and Uruguay have been using the vests to track some vital stats that allows backroom staff to interrogate
player data more than ever before.It was a last minute decision from FIFA, but in early June 2018 the organization deemed the tech as safe
for players to wear during official matches and most wearing it will have been using it throughout training too.Adidas SmartBallThis is a
gadget that every kid - and football-mad adult - is always keen to try out, because it can tell you information about how you kick a ball
smartphone to give you information on distance kicked, power behind it and the rotation of the ball too.This is cool if you just want to use
one of the various app modes to test yourself against chums - for instance, finding out who can kick it the furthest.But if you want to see
rather modestly priced and definitely a decent present for someone (or yourself).PlayrAnother sensor for tracking your puffing around the
football field, this is by the same Catapult brand that brought you the Playertek system.However, this one is more expensive and allows you
more granular data, with a more accurate sensor on offer and an app that gets digs deeper into your lifestyle than just offering up data.The
app, which is put together in association with performance coaches with experience working with professional Premier League teams, offers
more information on things like lifestyle changes, nutrition advice and sleep tips.This is designed to get your more in tune with what it
takes to become an elite football player, and while the app can now be accurate on your sprints and distance covered to the nearest metre
but the bigger draw here is the ability to not only rank yourself against other players in the match using the same tech but also see video
technique improvement over time - so the brand certainly has the reputation to go with this.IntelligymThey say that children these days
spatial awareness improvement from gaming onto the football field
The developer, Professor Daniel Gopher, found that a specially-designed game could improve vision and ability on the basketball court, and
a ball around and learning about the patterns and moves within a game to improve the chances of hitting the right highlighted section.If it
some of the best computers the world has seen and pits them against each other
Who wins might surprise you.No price informationTheIndianSubcontinent's World Cup coverage is brought to you in association with