Mass anti-government protest march planned in Colombo today

A protest march and rally has been organised in Colombo today (02) in protest against the repressive programme allegedly carried out by the
government.It is reported that the mass protest has been organized by political parties, trade unions, civil organizations and a group of
in Maradana and reach the Colombo Fort railway station.However, Mr
Semasinghe said that it is not appropriate to hold such protests at a time when the struggling economy is showing signs of revival.Venerable
Dambara Amila Thero stated that the purpose of taking protest measures is not clear when the people are receiving relief measures.The Sri
decided not to endorse the protest march.Meanwhile, six key business chambers including the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC), in a joint
statement, raised concerns about the matter and requested all relevant parties to call off the planned protest march.
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