Scientist involved with Wuhan lab says COVID has been ‘biggest cover up in history’

A scientist, Andrew Huff, who worked closely with the Wuhan lab has claimed in a new book that COVID was genetically engineered & and
accidentally leaked from the facility.Huff claims the issue is one of the greatest cover-ups in history & and the &biggest US intelligence
failure since 9/11&.The Wuhan Institute of Virology & a high-security lab specializing in coronaviruses & has for years been the focus of
questions as to whether COVID could have escaped from its lab.Both China and the lab have denied any allegations & but evidence of a lab
leak has been piling up over the last two years as scientists, researchers and governments hunt for answers and step forward with
evidence.According to the UK&s Sun newspaper, which was provided with early access to the book, dozens of experts have suggested COVID could
have escaped from the Wuhan lab through an infected researcher, improper disposal of waste, or potential breaches in the security at the
site.Even the head of the World Health Organisation reportedly believes COVID did leak from the lab after a &catastrophic accident&.In his
new book & The Truth About Wuhan & Huff claims the pandemic was the result of the US government&s funding of dangerous genetic engineering
of coronaviruses in China.The epidemiologist said China&s gain-of-function experiments & carried out with shoddy biosecurity & led to a lab
leak at the US-funded Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Sun reported.&EcoHealth Alliance and foreign laboratories did not have the adequate
control measures in place for ensuring proper biosafety, biosecurity, and risk management, ultimately resulting in the lab leak at the Wuhan
Institute of Virology,& he said in his book.EcoHealth Alliance, of which Huff was former vice president, had been studying different
coronaviruses in bats for more than ten years with funding from the National Institutes of Health & and developed close working ties with
the Wuhan lab.Huff, who worked at EcoHealth Alliance from 2014 to 2016 and served as vice president from 2015, worked on the classified side
of the research program as a US government scientist.The army veteran, from Michigan, said the organization taught the Wuhan lab the &best
existing methods to engineer bat coronaviruses to attack other species& for many years, the Sun reported.&The US government is to blame for
the transfer of dangerous biotechnology to the Chinese,& he said.Speaking to The Sun Huff added: &I was terrified by what I saw
We were just handing them bioweapon technology.&In his book, the emerging infectious diseases expert claims &greedy scientists killed
millions of people globally& & and goes as far as to claim the US government covered it up, the Sun reported.Huff said: &Nobody should be
surprised that the Chinese lied about the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 and then went to extraordinary lengths to make it appear as if the disease
naturally emerged.&The shocking part of all of this is how the United States government lied to all of us.&Although he pointed out he has
seen no evidence China deliberately released the virus.According to the Sun, Huff believes the US-funded project was &mostly a global
fishing expedition for coronaviruses& to carry out a gain of function work or for intelligence collection & rather than preventing future
pandemics.&At the time, I felt like the project seemed more like intelligence collection than scientific research and development,& he said
in his book.He alleges the US was using the project to assess the bioweapon capabilities of foreign labs & including the Wuhan Institute of
Virology.Huff said US government officials issued warnings in January 2018 about the Wuhan lab & including the major shortage of experts
needed to safely manage research on deadly coronaviruses.As he began to unravel the alleged extensive cover-up by the US government, he said
the authorities launched a massive campaign of harassment against him.He claimed military-grade drones would often appear at his home, he
was stalked at the supermarket, and he was followed by unknown vehicles.The post Scientist involved with Wuhan lab says COVID has been
‘biggest cover up in history& first appeared on Ariana News.