Windows 7's security rollups, the most comprehensive of the fixes it pushes out each Patch Tuesday, have doubled in size since Microsoft
revamped the veteran operating system's update regimen in 2016.According to Microsoft's own data, what it calls the "Security Quality
Monthly Rollup" (rollup from here on) grew by more than 90% from the first to the twenty-first update
From its October 2016 inception, the x86 version of the update increased from 72MB to 137.5MB, a 91% jump
Meanwhile, the always-larger 64-bit version went from an initial 119.4MB to 227.5MB, also representing a 91% increase.[ Further reading:
Windows 7 to Windows 10 migration guide ]The swelling security updates were not, in themselves, a surprise
Last year, when Microsoft announced huge changes to how it services Windows 7, it admitted that rollups would put on the pounds
"The Rollups will start out small, but we expect that these will grow over time," Nathan Mercer, a Microsoft product marketing manager, said
Mercer's explanation: "A Monthly Rollup in October will include all updates for October, while November will include October and November