Pope Francis calls for end to senseless war in Ukraine in Christmas message

70,000 tourists, pilgrims and residents of the city packed St
the faithful to remember the millions of Ukrainians who were without electricity or heating Sunday because of Russian attacks on energy
infrastructure, as well as the millions more living as refugees abroad or displaced within their country since the Feb
on a walking stick with a pronged support base to inch forward for a better view of the crowd below.The first pontiff from Latin America, he
and social tensions experienced by various countries."Francis said he was particularly thinking of Haiti, the impoverished Caribbean nation
think of all those, especially the children, who go hungry while huge amounts of food daily go to waste and resources are being spent on
An agreement brokered by Turkey and the U.N
has sought to address the problem.Source - The Associated Press-Agencies
This article first appeared/also appeared in https://adaderana.lk