Russia Makes 'Desecration' of St. George Ribbon Criminal Offense

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday signed a law making it a criminal offense to desecrate the ribbon of St
George, the black and orange military pattern often used for celebration of the Soviet triumph in World War II
The brand-new law designates the ribbon as one of the official symbols of Russias military splendor that can be used just during occasions
devoted to notable dates in Russia or focused on patriotic and morally-spiritual education of Russian people
The brand-new designation means that desecration of the ribbon is now punishable under Russias rehabilitation of Nazism law, which states
fines of approximately five million rubles ($68,450), five years of obligatory labor, or 5 years imprisonment for those who do not
obey.Individuals will likewise face penalty for acts of desecration dedicated online and as part of a group
The law does not define exactly what makes up desecration, one of its authors, State Duma Deputy Olga Zanko, stated in April that members
of the public would not be prosecuted for wearing the ribbon of St
George on a bag
You are putting St
Georges ribbon [on your handbag] since you take pride in it and respect the memory of your forefathers, Vedomosti priced quote Zanko as
stating when the law was introduced
But if you openly burn the ribbon, then that will be penalized, she added