Inmotion Hosting is not a household name when it comes to web hosting, yet this US-based company has managed to wriggle its way up to the
top of our web hosting buying guide ahead of bigger and better known competitors (Godaddy, 11 and Hostgator to name a few).We sat down with
the company's CEO, Sunil Saxena, to find out more about the company's ethos, what drives them and what he considers to be the biggest
challenges and opportunities that are currently on top of the agenda for players in the web hosting market.1
Let's start with the basics
Tell us a bit more about InMotion Hosting.InMotion Hosting is an independent, employee-owned and operated hosting provider based out of Los
Angeles, CA - with additional offices in Virginia Beach, VA and Denver, CO
With over 17 years of experience, InMotion Hosting has a proven track record of stellar customer service and an elite array of hosting
InMotion is CNET certified, possesses an A+ rating with the BBB, and has received numerous industry awards
InMotion Hosting also provides professional web hosting services for individuals and businesses through a wide portfolio of hosting
In your opinion, what differentiates InMotion Hosting from other web hosts in the marketWhat sets InMotion apart as an independent web
hosting provider is our customer-centric, community focused approach to providing hosting solutions
We are deeply embedded in many of the online communities that shape the way consumers strive to build out their web presence and, in having
Further, our culture of continuous improvement and revenue re-investment in staff training, education, and hardware allows us to best serve
customers that come to us with a wide range of hosting needs.3
What does your day-to-day work look likeAs an employee-owned and operated hosting provider, we have a wide range of talent that spans across
many departments from front-line Technical Support Customer Service to Server Engineering Infrastructure Monitoring
What does the future of Web Hosting look like How will things change in a near futureWe continue to see industry consolidation with large
corporations purchasing web hosting companies and consolidating operations
We also see deeper partner integrations with complementary services continuing to rise
Companies see vertical integration as a way of simplifying the consumer website space and we see significant value in streamlining this
Where do you see InMotion Hosting in 5 yearsAs a provider of niche products and services to our needs-driven customer, while providing the
market with mass-customized and top of the line hosting solutions, we plan to focus a wider international presence for various emerging
markets with a need for an augmented online presence
Further, we feel it is imperative to continue innovating
Even though technology needs will change over the next decade, we do know that we will be ready to offer our high quality products and
services to the hosting customers of the future.6
What are the most pressing challenges in your line of businessIn an industry that has high levels of commoditization, it is important to
differentiate ourselves by offering state-of-the-art products supported by extraordinary staff
consumer has become aware of the shortcomings these companies offer
We want to offer a seamless approach to solving the website question
How do you view Facebook pages and Google My BusinessAs a wonderful opportunity to introduce consumers to website building
We envision these services exciting consumers on the topic of building out their very own web-presence
As this fascination continues to grow, we will naturally see early adopters looking for a more robust solution and this is where companies
What are the ways web hosting businesses can differentiate themselves from the competitionGood question
In order to maintain an innovative advantage over the competition, we need to remain very close to our customers and have a solid
understanding of macro issues which may affect the industry
As with any other tech provider, staying at the forefront of technology is imperative
We employ and partner with thought leaders in the industry and follow trends very closely
We were one of the first companies to introduce free SSD (solid state drives) as we anticipated market demand
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and WordPress-specific product configurations is another great example of forecasting market demand and
innovating strategy to meet future demand.