Foreign Ministry, Judiciary to punish Gen. Soleimani assassins

TEHRAN - Abbas Ali Kadkhodaie, the head of an Iranian unique committee entrusted with prosecuting suspects in the assassination of General
Soleimani in domestic and foreign courts, mentioned on Saturday that various institutions in Iran, consisting of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs and the countrys justice system, had made some favorable steps to penalize Gen
Soleimanis assassins.Delivering a speech in a specialized roundtable focusing on battling terrorism and extremism in the West Asia area,
Kadkhodaie, a legal professional, censured the U.S
for assassinating Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani.It was an act of state terrorism and an outright neglect for all rules and conventions
of international law, stated Kadkhodaie, a legal expert.The authorities likewise stated that an indictment to prosecute suspects in the case
is nearing conclusion
Iranian judges and prosecutors have been dealing with the case to guarantee a favorable legal conclusion, the former member of the Guardian
Council stated.Kadkhodaie described the assassination of General Soleimani as an abominable criminal offense and required that all those who
were perpetrators should be held to account.He specified that by assassinating General Soleimani, the U.S
had breached all of its international dedications, consisting of non-interference in the internal affairs of other nations, compliance with
human rights requirements, and respect for nations sovereignty and independence.He stressed that the U.S
has been not able to defend the assassination, which he called a clear example of state terrorism
Asserting that Tehran remained in the leading edge of the battle versus terrorist companies like Daesh when General Soleimani was martyred,
Kadkhodaie declared Irans strategy to face and withstand outsiders in the West Asia region
General Soleimani bolstered Irans worldwide power Speaking in the roundtable held at the Foreign Ministry Institute for Political and
International Studies, the representative for Irans Foreign Ministry likewise highlighted that one of General Soleimanis essential
characteristics was his capability to increase both domestic and worldwide power in support of the resistance front
Martyr Soleimani had a multifaceted personality which is necessary to carefully analyze both his diverse qualities and philosophical school
in accordance with the Leader of the Islamic Revolutions regulations, Nasser Kanaani asserted
The representative noted that General Soleimani was a national and unifying figure, as the Leader said, in addition to having the ability to
bring about power for the country and being a non-factional figure
He likewise added that the martyr might increase the power of Islam, the region, and Iran on the global stage.Kanaani continued by stating
that because the great leaders life and martyrdom gave rise to power, the hoity-toity U.S
selected to murder him openly due to the fact that they could not resist his unfailing traits and characteristics.He said that the enemies
planned the terrorist attack since they thought the fallout from Soleimanis assassination was more bearable than his inspiring persona
The diplomat mentioned that his assassination increased Irans impact which all saw how his funeral march was motivating
misdeeds in assassinating Gen
Soleimani will decrease in history Former Iranian ambassador to Iraq, Iraj Masjedi, described the U.S
assassination of General Soleimani as a historic crime.He highlighted that the legal and judicial pursuit of those responsible for such a
heinous criminal offense and those who assisted the Americans will immediately begin.Martyr Soleimanis visits to Iraq were all official and
at Iraqs demand, the former diplomat noted.Cautioning the implications of the U.S
criminal activity, he added that the Americans devilish action showed their real image to the people of the region, particularly the
Iraqis.He likewise stressed that martyr Soleimani was a good example in fighting terrorism.As their convoy left Baghdad International
Airport in January 2020, General Soleimani, his Iraqi trenchmate Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of the PMU, and his certain
deputies were assassinated by a drone strike that was particularly purchased by the White House.Due to their vital contributions in fighting
versus the takfiri Daesh terrorist company, especially in Iraq and Syria, both leaders took pleasure in excellent respect throughout West
Iranian officials have actually restated time and time again that Tehran will absolutely precise retribution on the terrorists who planned
and carried out the attack on the anti-terror hero
Tehran has actually highlighted that due to the fact that it is unforeseeable when and where attacks would happen, Americans and Zionists
should not take its threat of retaliation gently
Tehran is serious about taking vengeance for the assassination of Martyr Soleimani.Days later, in retaliation, the Islamic Revolutionary
Guard Corps (IRGC) introduced a barrage of missiles towards the U.S.-run Ein Al-Assad airbase in the western province of Al-Anbar in Iraq
The missile assault was called a first slap by Iran.At least 110 American service members suffered terrible brain injuries throughout
the counterattack on the base, according to the Pentagon
Iran has actually requested that Interpol must issue a red notification for all wrongdoers and coordinators of General Soleimanis
Many more individuals have been called by Tehran as having ties to the designated terrorist act, including former U.S
President Donald Trump, Pentagon authorities, and American soldiers stationed in the region.Based on a declaration issued by the Iranian
Foreign Ministry, the assassination of General Soleimani was bought, performed, or assisted by a number of individuals, consisting of Trump,
former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and previous National Security Advisor John Bolton