Company is expanding for Microsoft, and even Bing is succeeding

Microsoft has announced its fourth quarter earnings, and the numbers look good
Really good
According to Microsoft, it earned a net income of $8.9 billion and a revenue of $30.1 billion for the quarter, which ended on June 30
This brings the total revenues for the fiscal year to a mightily-impressive $110.4 billion.These results are up 17% year-over-year, and many
customer success and the trust customers are placing in Microsoft [] Our early investments in the intelligent cloud and intelligent edge are
laptop builders selling devices with Windows installed.Microsoft Office also had a good year with Office 365 commercial revenue growing by
consider a bit of a flop when compared to Google, did well, growing 17% year on year in the fourth financial quarter of 2018.As more people
used Bing, the search revenue (excluding traffic acquisition costs) also grew, so it looks like things are moving in the right
direction.These results will surely make Microsoft happy, and it's now an $800 billion company
It's still a fair bit behind its competitors Apple, Amazon and Google, but things seem to be looking up for Microsoft after some rough