New wave of Covid looming

TEHRAN-- Three new pressures of BQ1, XBB, and BA2, have actually been diagnosed just recently in patients, deputy health minister Hossein
Farshidi stated, cautioning that the new age of Covid began.Fast-developing Covid-19 variations are topping Europe, and badly infected
France and Germany, he noted.Emphasizing that the transmission power of XBB is five times greater than Delta, Farshidi insisted that borders
must be monitored rapidly and suspicious patients must be identified.Within the next one to two months, the new age of the pandemic will
reach its peak, he further regreted, ISNA reported on Sunday.The rate of hospitalization of the new stress is the same as the Omicron,
however the higher the number of patients, the greater the percentage of hospitalizations, he also said.He further emphasized that
individuals must be injected with booster doses.Medical researchers revealed the threat of an Omicron variant emerging worldwide that is
resistant to all existing healing antibodies, and the findings show that brand-new treatments should be determined to handle this
variant.According to brand-new research at a German institute, BQ1.1, is resistant to all authorized antibody treatments.Omicron escapes
neutralizing antibodies and triggers symptomatic illness even in vaccinated or convalescent individuals due to anomalies in the spike
This is called an immune escape and is dangerous for high-risk populations, including the senior and individuals with weak immune
systems.FB/ MG