Iran foreign ministry swears to continue follow-up of Gen. Soleimani case

TEHRAN-- The Islamic Republic of Irans Foreign Ministry stated on Monday that it will continue to follow up on the case of the assassination
of General Qassem Soleimani with the objective of brining those involved in the assassination to justice.In a declaration released on the
celebration of the 3rd anniversary of the assassination of General Soleimani, the foreign ministry said, On this third anniversary of the
martyrdom of the remarkable general of Islam and the worldwide hero of the battle against terrorism, Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani,
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran honours the name and memory of a valued martyr who provided of his life in
honest and stoic service to individuals of Iran, Islam and local and worldwide peace and security
It included, General Martyr Soleimanis pivotal role in implementing the tactical policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran to establish
regional and worldwide peace and stability and his efficient measures in combatting worldwide terrorism and terrorist outfits in the region
earned this undying martyr such titles of approbation and honour as the Altruist, the International Hero of the Fight Against Terrorism, and
the General of Peace
It noted, With false claims and pretexts, consisting of under the guise of counter-terrorism, and in what constitutes a crime and naked
offense of the tenets and concepts of international law, the United States federal government prepared and performed a terrorist attack on
among our highest-ranking authorities on the soil of a 3rd nation while he was on main task Iraq
Indubitable as it is, the criminal act of assassinating General Soleimani created and executed by the United States constitutes yet another
glaring example of an organised terrorist act
The foreign ministry continued, Based on legal and global requirements, the American routine bears definite global obligation for this
criminal offense
In this context, all the representatives and principals, provocateurs, criminals and aiders and abettors of this terrorist criminal activity
bear duty
In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in conjunction with the Judiciary of the Islamic Republic of Iran and other firms, have
embraced, from the extremely start, a number of steps predicated upon the legal concept of combatting impunity of criminal activities in
order to hold the abovementioned to account and bring them to justice
In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in co-operation with other relevant institutions, established the Special Committee on
Legal and International Follow-up of the Assassination Case of General Soleimani and His Companions
Since its establishment, the Committee has been investigating and pursuing the legal aspects of the case and has thus far taken a number of
measures to push the issue at all domestic, bilateral, local and global levels
The Committee is determined to proceed in all seriousness until its goals are fully met and the worldwide responsibility of the American
government is invoked
On the other hand, the Joint Judicial Committee Between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Iraq continues its work to follow
up on this American act of terrorism
It stated, In line with its principled policies to counter terrorism and extremism, the Islamic Republic of Iran will continue to work
towards the facility of peace and stability at the local and global level
And although the martyrdom of General Qassem Soleimani is undue a loss for Iran and Iranians, by no methods can it balk the Islamic Republic
of Iran of its pursuit of its lofty objectives
The foreign ministry concluded, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran must like to get itself of the chance to
pay its homage to the ascended souls of all the martyrs and as soon as again honour the memory of all of them, especially those who perished
in the fight against terrorism and extremism, including, the majority of prominently, General Martyr Qassem Soleimani, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis
and their martyred companions