Lorestan home to 700 traditional kilim-weaving workshops

to kilim carpets.Currently, over 900 craftspeople are actively engaged in producing Kilims across the province, Ata Hassanpur told
reporters.Kilim is a pileless floor covering handwoven in most places where pile rugs are made
The term is applied both generally and specifically, with the former use referring to virtually any rug-like fabric that does not have a
together along the long edge to produce the completed kilim
The vertical color junctions involve a discontinuity of the wefts, the colored yarns that produce the design.When used specifically the term
refers to a more limited number of techniques, including slit tapestry, warp sharing, and various forms of interlocking tapestry
weave.Persian carpets are sought after internationally for their delicate designs and their good quality
Among Persian carpets, particularly those of the classic period, the medallion may represent an open lotus blossom with 16 petals as seen
from above, a complex star form, or a quatrefoil with pointed lobes.Persian carpets are sought after internationally with the medallion
pattern being arguably the most characteristic feature of them all
Weavers spend several months in front of a loom, stringing and knotting thousands of threads
Some practice established patterns, some make their own.Each Persian carpet is a scene that seems as ageless, a procedure that can take as
When the weaving is finally done, the carpet is cut, washed, and put out in the sun to dry.Throughout history, invaders, politicians, and
As mentioned by Britannica Encyclopedia, little is known about Persian carpet making before the 15th century, when art was already
Although the conquests of Timur (who died in 1405) were in most respects disastrous to Persia, he favored artisans and spared them to work
on his great palaces in Samarkand.Later in the 17th century, there were a growing demand for the production of so many gold- and
silver-threaded carpets that were ultimately exported to Europe
Some were made in Kashan, but many of the finest came from Isfahan
With their high-keyed fresh colors and opulence, they have affinities with European Renaissance and Baroque idioms.In the beginning of the
18th century, nomads and town dwellers were still making carpets using dyes developed over centuries, each group maintaining an authentic
material and technique.AFM