A Look at Iranian Turkmen Clothing

The term Turkmen (noticable as To-ku-mong) was very first mentioned in the 8th century
Some 2,000 years ago, they were living in the east as much as the banks of Syr Darya River (Jaxartes River)
Some scholars argue that the term Turkmen suggests Turkish-like or Turkish-like faith
Oghuz tribes were divided into 2 people (Ouch Ogh and Buz Ogh) and 24 clans
Oghuz Khan was their leader
In Oghuz people, women do not use Bashlaq (headscarf)
Their houses are similar to contemporary gazebos
Oghuz is a tribal and nomadic group.Residential places of Turkmens Some people migrated toward southern Russia and some others moved toward
Turkmen are nowadays living within the territories of Iran, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan
Iranian Turkmens are primarily from Gooklan, Yamut, Tekkeh, and Nakhour clans
Iranian Turkmen are living in Turkmen Sahara (northeast of Iran), Golestan, and Khorasan provinces
Despite the reality that they have established themselves in various amount of times, they are thought about one tribe and enjoy numerous
commonalities.Turkmen fabrics - Silkworm breeding and silk production - Women appreciate silkworms and men collect them from the leaves of
mulberry trees.Silk fabrics - Arrival of colorful foreign clothing=marginalization of red silk clothes of Turkmens - Cloth-weaving workshops
(Tara): senior Turkmen ladies dealing with these ancient instruments
- In these workshops, silk fabrics are produced with a length of 2.5 up to 5 meters and with a width of 30 to 40 centimeters
- These fabrics have red stripes in addition to yellow ones
- Coloring: they use plant-origin colors such as walnut, Rubia tinctorum, and pomegranate skins
- Nowadays, they also use nonpermanent chemical colorsDifferent kinds of clothing - In order to produce traditional Turkmen clothing,
manufacturers use thread, cotton, broadcloth, Termeh, Napeyda, Savsani, Alatav, Tekeh Qermizi, and Sari Takhteh textiles
- Broadcloth and Termeh fabrics: are used for producing coats (Chavit); theyre made of wool
- Alatav textile: silk, coat (Chavit), pants (Yalaq), shirt (Quink)
- Napeyda - & Savsani textiles: silk, producing dresses for women - Tekeh Qermizi: silk, producing t-shirts and pants - Nowadays, foreign
textiles, and German silk, crepe, and thread fabricsClothes of Turkmen females - In regards to nationwide dressing design: near Uzbeks and
- They have extensive diversity and are associated with causality and philosophy which relate to the age of the individual
- In the northwest of Khorasan and east of Gorgan, some Turkmen clans called Goonan are living and have their own special clothing and
ornamental products
- Generally speaking, these clothing are easy but appealing in their style
- They are associated with amazing decorations
- Turkmen ladies are popular for their competence in carpet weaving and are thought about leading carpet manufacturers in Iran.By Maryam
Mojabi - & Sahel Mehrdad