On cam: Road rage in B'luru; couple, youths attack each other

following a road-rage case on Tuesday could be forgotten, Bengaluru on Friday witnessed another road-rage incident.A woman drove her car for
nearly four kilometres with a man dangling on the bonnet of her car
The man and the couple had fought each other after their cars came face to face on Ullala main road in west Bengaluru's Jnanabharati area in
Karnataka and one of them was driving from the wrong direction.A case and a counter case have been registered in this connection with
Jnanabharati police station.It was the youth who travelled on the bonnet filed the first complaint
Around 10.15am, I was driving towards the store when a car, jumping the signal and coming from the opposite direction on Ullala main road,
blocked my way," Darshan stated in his complaint.He added, "I questioned the woman driver for the act and she showed middle finger to me and
drove away
I followed the car and blocked it
Demanding an explanation for their act, I told the lady to apologise
However, she refused and did not come out of the vehicle
By then, my younger brother and two friends came to the spot
A man, said to be the couple's friend, punched me in the face
By then, police arrived on the spot and told us to come to the police station.""But the woman refused and tried to drive away
Protesting, I sat on the bonnet of their car but she drove away
I pleaded to stop saying I will fall down and may die
Even the public, who watched, shouted at the woman, directing her to stop
opposite direction at Ullala junction, blocked our way
The traffic behind both the vehicles came to standstill
Making way, my wife drove away and the man in the opposite car shouted at my wife
My wife showed hand at him
The man blocked our vehicle and abused us
I called the police control room and two cops arrived
Fearing for life, we decided to leave the place and as my wife drove, the driver from the other car sat on the bonnet
We stopped the car near a hospital
criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty) and 354B (Assault or use of criminal force to woman with intent to disrobe).