[India] - 'Stay tuned': Indian-American Nikki Haley mean presidential run

NEW DELHI: After Kamala Harris and Tulsi Gabbard in 2020, its popular Indian-American Republican leader Nikki Haley who is considering an
enthusiastic presidential project in 2024
In a recent interview, Haley, who belonged to the Trump administration, said that she believes she can be the brand-new leader who can
take the nation in a new direction and the United States can not have a 2nd term under Joe Biden as president.Speaking to Fox News on
Thursday, the former Governor of South Carolina and US Ambassador to the United Nations, said she is still working things out on any
possible presidential run
I think, remain tuned
Well, Im not going to make a statement here, the 51-year-old leader said when specifically asked if she is going to run for the
governmental position.Earlier, Haley had said she would use the coming Christmas holidays to choose whether to release a run for the White
House in 2024
When youre looking at a run for president, you look at 2 things
You initially take a look at, does the present scenario push for new leadership? The 2nd question is, am I that individual that could be
that brand-new leader, that, yes, we require to go in a new instructions? And can I be that leader? Yes, I think I can be that leader,
Haley informed Fox News.Haley, who resigned from the Trump administration in October 2018, said she did very well as guv and ambassador
As guv, I took on a hurting state with double-digit unemployment, and we made it the very best
As ambassador, I took on the world when they attempted to disrespect us
I believe I showed what Im capable of at the United Nations, she asserted
So, do I believe I could be that leader? Yes
But we are still overcoming things, and we will figure it out
I have actually never ever lost a race
I said that then
I still state that now
Im not going to lose now
However stay tuned, Haley said.Haley, the 2nd governor of Indian descent after fellow Republican Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, said it was
time to bring brand-new leadership to the Republican Party
We have actually lost the last 7 out of eight popular choose president
7 out of eight Republicans have actually lost
Something is wrong
And so I believe its time that we bring in a new generation that can generate more people to our party, that can really speak about the
services that we require to go, she said.During the interview, Haley likewise emphasised that President Biden, a Democrat, ought to not be
provided a second term
Biden, 80, is the earliest sitting US President
If I run, Im running versus Joe Biden
Thats what Im focused on, due to the fact that we cant have a 2nd term of Joe Biden, Haley said.The next United States governmental
election is set up to be held on November 5, 2024
Haley was not categorical if she would still be running if her former boss Trump decides to object to for the governmental position
again.(With inputs from PTI)