[India] - Indian security agencies have established supremacy: Amit Shah

NEW DELHI: Union home minister Amit Shah on Friday stated Indian security agencies have been successful in establishing their supremacy and
nobody can disregard the nation anymore in any field nor stop any one from moving forward.Addressing the inaugural session of a three-day
conference of the DGPs and IGPs here, he stated India is now certainly safe, strong and on a good footing under the management of Prime
Minister Narendra Modi.The PMO in a release said Prime Minister Modi will go to the All India Conference of Director Generals and Inspector
Generals of Police being held at the National Agricultural Science Complex
Since 2014, the prime minister has actually taken a keen interest in the DGP conference
Unlike the symbolic presence of prime ministers previously, he endures all significant sessions of the conference, it said.The prime
minister not just listens patiently to all the inputs, however also motivates totally free and casual discussions so that new ideas can come
up, the release of the Prime Ministers Office (PMO) said.This supplies a congenial atmosphere for the top police officials of the nation to
directly brief the prime minister on key policing and internal security concerns, and give open and frank recommendations, it said.The
release said assisted by the vision of the prime minister, the conference has started conversations on futuristic styles in policing and
security.On the very first day of the conference, the home minister also distributed police medal for meritorious service and provided
prizes to the leading three police stations of the country.Topics such as security obstacles along the land borders with Nepal and Myanmar,
methods to recognize overstaying immigrants in India and targeting of Maoist fortress were discussed, authorities said.Over the next 2 days,
the top authorities management of the nation will ponder on emerging security challenges and opportunities together with specialists, field
functionaries and academic community
Under the management of Modi, Indian security companies have succeeded in developing their supremacy
Today, nobody can neglect India in any field, nor anyone can stop you from moving forward, he said.Shah stated previously the countrys
issues were geographical, now the issues are becoming thematic, and for this security companies need to produce a paradigm shift in their
strategy and method
Earlier we had single dimensional problems, but now the problems are multi-dimensional
To deal with them, we have to be 2 actions ahead of those who devote crimes
We have to alter the technique of city policing rapidly
Even on capability building of the cops, a lot of attention has to be paid, he said.Shah said to make internal security impenetrable, the
authorities have to be empowered and the Modi federal government and the home ministry will fully work together with states.Referring to the
circumstance in Jammu and Kashmir after the abrogation of Article 370, he said there was a time when kids from Jammu and Kashmir utilized to
go to study in other parts of the country due to militancy
But today 32,000 kids from other parts of the country are studying in Jammu and Kashmir, Shah said
Similarly the quantity of investment that has actually come in the last four years is more than what it had actually come to Jammu and
Kashmir in the last 70 years, he stated