Book City to talk about Soren Kierkegaard's school of idea

TEHRAN-- Danish thinker Soren Kierkegaards school of idea will be discussed in a session at the Book City Institute in Tehran on
Tuesday.Kierkegaard scholar Kiarash Sheikholeslam is scheduled to deliver a speech at the conference beginning at 3 pm.The session will
likewise be screened live on the Telegram channel @bookcitycc and Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-- 1855) was
a Danish theologian, theorist, poet, social critic and religious author who is extensively thought about to be the very first existentialist
philosopher.He wrote crucial texts on arranged faith, Christianity, morality, principles, psychology and the approach of faith, showing a
fondness for metaphor, irony and parables
Much of his philosophical work deals with the problems of how one lives as a single person , providing concern to concrete human truth over
abstract thinking and highlighting the significance of personal option and commitment.He was against literary critics who defined idealist
intellectuals and thinkers of his time and believed that Swedenborg, Hegel, Fichte, Schelling, Schlegel and Hans Christian Andersen were all
understood far too quickly by scholars
Kierkegaards doctrinal work concentrates on Christian ethics, the institution of the Church, the differences in between simply unbiased
proofs of Christianity, the unlimited qualitative difference in between guy and God and the individuals subjective relationship to the
God-Man Jesus the Christ, which came through faith.Much of his work handle Christian love
He was extremely important of the doctrine and practice of Christianity as a state-controlled religious beliefs like the Church of Denmark
His psychological work explored the feelings and sensations of people when faced with life choices.Some of Kierkegaards key concepts consist
of the concept of subjective and unbiased realities , the knight of faith, the recollection and repeating dichotomy, angst, the unlimited
qualitative difference, faith as an enthusiasm and the three stages on lifes way
Kierkegaard composed in Danish and the reception of his work was at first restricted to Scandinavia, but by the turn of the 20th century,
his works were translated into French, German and other major European languages
By the mid-20th century, his idea applied a considerable impact on philosophy, theology and Western culture in general.Photo: A picture of
Danish thinker Soren Kierkegaard.MMS/ YAW