Met Police: uniformed bad guys

TEHRAN- In every neighborhood the cops are thought about to be the sign of peace and security
There are couple of societies in which citizens are afraid of seeing the cops, and this is rooted in the name of the police, which
originates from the Greek word (polis), which indicates city and civility.A law enforcement officers is in fact a police officer, however in
the modern world, particularly in the last few years, some police officers habits towards people has actually been very severe in offense of
fundamental human rights.Hidden violence by police forces in Western countries is much more than developing nations, including those in West
Asia and even Africa
This might be related to the complexity of the nature of crime and the definition of criminal behavior in addition to the authoritiess view
of these nations to people as beneficial creature for commercial society.One of the countries in which police dedicate lots of violence is
In the last few years there has been many news about it.The name of the British police today is related to violence, rape, and abuse
With a basic search on the web, you can find the most traumatic stories of British authorities that look more like crime books.Met
collection of violenceSome instances of authorities violence are organized and some others are a result of the spirit of violence among the
Metropolitan Police forces.Today in England, a Metropolitan Police officer, even if he is off-duty, enables himself to handcuff a young girl
for not abiding by the restrictions of Corona, put her in his cars and truck, rape her and eliminate her!That girl was none aside from Sarah
Everard who was killed in March 2021 and the law enforcement officer was none besides Wayne Couzens.Another case in this regard is the case
of David Carrick
He is a serving officer in Londons Metropolitan Police who has actually confessed to 49 offenses, including 24 counts of rape over an
18-year period.David Carrick appeared at Southwark Crown Court in the British capital on Jan 16, 2022 to plead guilty to 4 counts of rape,
false imprisonment, and indecent attack connecting to a 40-year-old female in 2003, the UKs PA Media news firm reported.According to CNN, on
January 16, 2023, at the Old Bailey criminal court in London last month, Carrick admitted to 43 charges versus 11 other women, including 20
counts of rape, between March 2004 and September 2020, according to PA
A series of recent scandals has actually clarified what the UK police guard dog called a culture of misogyny and bigotry in Londons police
service.The Metropolitan Police Service Commissioner Cressida Dick resigned from her post in 2022, after a damning evaluation by the
Independent Office for Police Conduct released 15 recommendations to change policing practice in the country.Londons Metropolitan Police
are now examining as many as 1,000 sex offenses and domestic abuse claims including around 800 of its officers, the forces Commissioner Mark
Rowley confessed Monday
Thats 1,000 cases to look at
Some of those will be things of no issue in the end when we take a look at them since it will be an argument overheard by next-door
neighbors where questions show theres absolutely nothing to be worried about, Rowley said in an interview with UK media.An institution in
crisisWomens rights companies required an inquiry into the Met following Carricks case.UK domestic abuse charity Refuge called Carricks
crimes utterly abhorrent
When a guy who has been charged with 49 offenses, including 24 charges of rape, is a serving police officer, how can females and girls
perhaps be-- or feel-- safe, Refuge tweeted Monday
This is an institution in crisis
That Carricks pattern of egregious habits was known to the Met and they failed to act speaks more loudly than their empty pledges to ladies,
UK organization End Violence Against Women tweeted
Solidarity with the victims - & all who are feeling the weight of the terrible information being reported, it added.The British Womens
Equality Party tweeted: The Met knew about the allegations for TWENTY years
They did nothing as a serial rapist abused his power
They are complicit
Misogyny will never be removed from the authorities without a nationwide, statutory inquiry
The Fawcett Society, which campaigns for gender equality and womens rights, stated on Twitter: Any act of sexual violence is a disgrace
It is especially hazardous when, yet again, these criminal offenses have actually been perpetrated by an individual who has extra duties to
keep the public safe
killing Blacks and AsiansAlong with ladies, the groups that have actually suffered the most from the British authorities are the Black
individuals and those with Asian origin.1,833 people have actually died in authorities custody or following authorities contact in the UK
since 1990, British media reported on Sep
27, 2022
The killing of Chris Kaba has resulted in renewed require justice as Black individuals continue to be disproportionately targeted by police
violence.Father-to-be Chris Kaba, 24, was unarmed when he was shot through a vehicle windshield in Streatham Hill on 5 September 2022 by a
Met Police officer.Metropolitan Police officers are four times more likely to utilize force versus Black people compared with the white
population, brand-new figures suggest.The Met used force 62,000 times in 2017-18 with more than a 3rd of incidents including Black
people.Techniques such as spoken guidelines and utilizing firearms were recorded.The Met Police said: The proportional use of force is
essential in some situations to secure the public and typically themselves from violence
Shadow house secretary Diane Abbott said the disproportionate usage of force is discriminatory
Police in Britain have been needed to keep an in-depth record of each time an officer utilized force since April 1, 2017
According to the data, a Black individual in London is four times most likely than a white person to have actually force used against them
by a Met Police officer, as a proportion of the population.Londons Black population at the last census was 1,088,447
In 2017-18 the Met utilized force 22,989 times versus black people.Based on population figures, making use of force was comparable to as
soon as for every 50 black individuals in Greater London and when for every single 200 of the white population.This is higher than in other
police forces covering large urban areas such as Greater Manchester and Merseyside