[Iran] - Sassanid petroglyph of horseman found in Marvdasht

TEHRAN-- Archaeologists have actually recently found an ancient rock illustration of a Sassanid-era (224-- 651) horseman in Marvdasht,
southern Fars province, ILNA reported on Saturday
In the northern rocks of the ancient city of Istakhr and 4 meters above the ground, the scratch inscription portrays a Sassanid rider with a
wavy ribbon and a horse with four hooves, stated Iranian archaeologist Abolhassan Atabaki
Considering that there are very few petroglyphs left from the late Sassanid duration, the discovery of this petroglyph is really
considerable and has research study worth regardless of its simpleness, he included
Thinking about the technical elements, this petroglyph displays Sassanid engraving attributes, such as natural mobility, flexibility of
movement, and balanced structure, he pointed out
In many ways, Iran under Sassanian guideline witnessed significant achievements of Persian civilization
Experts say that the art and architecture of the nation experienced a basic renaissance during Sassanid rule
In that age, crafts such as metalwork and gem inscription grew highly advanced, as scholarship was encouraged by the state; many works from
both the East and West were equated into Pahlavi, the official language of the Sassanians.Of all the product stays of the age, only coins
make up a continuous chronological sequence throughout the whole period of the dynasty
Such Sassanian coins have the name of the king for whom they were struck inscribed in Pahlavi, which allows scholars to date them rather
closely.The famous wealth of the Sassanian court is completely verified by the existence of more than one hundred examples of bowls or
plates of rare-earth element known at present
One of the finest examples is the silver plate with partial gilding in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York
The dynasty was damaged by Arab intruders throughout a period from 637 to 651
The ancient area, known as Pars (Fars), or Persis, was the heart of the Achaemenid Empire founded by Cyrus the Great and had its capital at
Darius I the Great moved the capital to nearby Persepolis in the late 6th or early 5th century BC
Alexander the Great beat the Achaemenian army at Arbela in 331 and burned Persepolis obviously as revenge against the Persians since it
seems the Persian King Xerxes had actually burnt the Greek City of Athens around 150 years earlier.Persis entered into the Seleucid kingdom
in 312 after Alexanders death
The Parthian empire (247 BC-- 224 CE) of the Arsacids (matching roughly to the modern Khorasan in Iran) changed the Seleucids guideline in
Persis during 170-- 138 BC
The Sasanid Empire (224 CE-- 651) had its capital at Istkhr
Not until the 18th century, under the Zand dynasty (1750-- 79) of southern Iran, did Fars once again become the heart of an empire, with its
capital at Shiraz.ABU/ AM