[Iran] - Enemy and miscalculation again

In an article entitled Enemy and miscalculation again , the Jam-e-Jam paper describes the European Parliaments policy towards the IRGC and
composes: The IRGC is a part of the nation that can not be separated
If the European Union is going to state the IRGC as a terrorist group, Iran has the right to think about the armed force of EU member
mentions as terrorist.The newspaper points out 7 tactical mistakes of Europe towards Iran and writes:- The IRGC played the biggest role in
dealing with local and global terrorists- In that case Europe gives Iran the authorization to think about the armies of hostile countries as
terrorists- The IRGC played a big role in the failure of the enemies in the hybrid war- Calling a nations army, a terrorist is against
global law.- The IRGC is the legal and official military of Iran- The Europeans are owed to IRGC for fighting against ISIS terrorists- The
IRGC is a popular army that takes the majority of its appeal from the people.Javan: Half-dead JCPOAThe European Parliament passed a
resolution Thursday calling on the EU and member states to designate Irans Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist group, but
it does not enact favor of suspending the JCPOA talks.It reveals that the European move is a start to require more concessions in nuclear
The body of the agreement must stay however the soul of the contract need to be compromised to the level that it hangs in between life and
So, from Americas point of view, the settlements should continue and not be entirely suspended however remain suspended and delayed as much
as they like.Europe is also a yes-man! to America, and the French cartoons in addition to the European and Zionist instigated vandalism in
Iran should be examined in this structure: What should we do to make Iran give more concessions? In this process, the West has an active
agent in Iran, who represents the strategies of the EU in Iran! While the West is putting pressure on Iran, their representatives begin
discussing the JCPOA and FATF and warn the authorities of the consequences of not signing them.The strategy is really easy
It has numerous elements: 1- The West wants more concessions
2- Just when the Iranian government is preparing to sign the arrangement, it keeps back
3- Those who receive fund from the UK and the US start rioting
4- Reformists are either quiet or implicitly supporting rioters or condemn handling the riots
5- The West puts more pressure
6- Reformists describe the pressure by the West as devastating for the country
7- Reformists consider Iran as accountable for the failure of the JCPOA
8- At the exact same time, reformists get in touch with the president to resign
9- The West invests more money
10- The West sends a message that offer more concessions we will sign the deal
Kayhan: Supporters of terrorism are mad about IRGCs function in supplying securityAlthough the list of betrayals and crimes dedicated by the
United States and Europe versus Iran is not a trick, the recent action of the European Parliament versus the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps
(IRGC) reveals that the West is angry over control of current riots in the country by the IRGC.The European Parliament passed a resolution
Thursday calling on the EU and member states to designate the IRGC as a terrorist group, however it did not vote in favor of suspending the
JCPOA talks.In its resolution, the European Parliament urges Tehran to suspend the punishment of rioters and launch the crooks apprehended
in the current riots.Europes opposition to the IRGC is not just minimal to the recent non-binding resolution
They have not only approved Irans military commanders often times in the past 3 and a half months, rather, they have actually been doing so
for more than fourteen years
Wherever they were fed up with the authority of the IRGC, they tried to harm the fantastic identity of the defenders of the security in the
general public opinion.The meaningless move of the Europeans proved that they mean to confront the IRGC due to its reliable role in
developing internal security and local stability.On the other hand, the resolution, which was welcomed by the U.S
and Israel, ought to be thought about as finishing the puzzle of the threatening plans of the Western prideful system to bring Iran to its
knees in the nuclear negotiations.It is intriguing to note that the European Parliament has actually put the IRGC on the list of terrorist
groups but voted versus the plan to suspend the JCPOA negotiations.Accordingly, it can be stated that the resolution becomes part of the
propaganda campaign and maximum pressure on Iran to get more concessions from Iran in the nuclear negotiations.Etemad: Protests in Iran are
not over yetIn an interview with the Etemad paper, former Tehran University professor Sadegh Zibakalam says: The fire (of demonstrations) is
still flaming although it might be covered in ashes for a while; a wind blowing or something peripheral problem has the potential to make
the flames more powerful than before.In the interview, Zibakalam slams the continued negative technique towards the requirements of youth
and females and says: Now that it appears that the strength of the demonstrations has reduced, the tough core of power is looking for the
extension of the previous policies and is trying to return the situation to the conditions prior to the beginning of the unrest.In general,
numerous managers of the country do not believe in the presence of a crisis in the nation and believe that the discontent was a challenge
that was provoked by the hostile media from outside the nation, which ended.He says the factors that resulted in the recent demonstrations
still stay
On the contrary, I believe that the continuation of the wrong policies will make the dimensions of the next presentations much wider
Zibakalam, the professor emeritus of political science, adds, If there will be no modifications or reforms and the system continues to
follow the same past policies, we will not go anywhere
From now on, I am afraid for the future of this policy
The demonstrations are results of individualss disappointment and disappointment regarding absence of reform, he opines.He likewise says it
is not possible to connect the fate of 80 million Iranians to 1 or 2 million hardliners.