[Iran] - Parliament speaker sees IRGC headquarters, cautions against EU blacklisting

TEHRAN-- Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf visited the primary head office of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps in the
early hours of Saturday morning and met IRGC chief leader General Hossein Salami.In the meeting, Qalibaf responded to the European
Parliaments recent resolution on Iran which called for noting the IRGC as a terrorist group
The resolution was adopted with an overwhelming majority and called on the European Council to note the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps as a
terrorist group
They [MEPs] likewise contact the Council and the member states to include the IRGC and its subsidiary forces, consisting of the paramilitary
Basij militia and the Quds Force, to the EU terrorist list
Any country in which the IRGC deploys military, economic, or informative operations ought to sever and disallow ties with this agency, the
European Parliament stated in a news release after the adoption of the Resolution.The relocation, though unbinding, elicited substantial
criticism from Iran
Officials, legislators, senior clerics, military authorities, and media personalities all increasingly responded to the possibility of the
EU designating the IRGC
All of them have stated that Iran will highly respond to the relocation
Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Bagher Qalibaf stated Friday that Iran will definitely handle the Europeans in a different way
In the meeting with General Salami, Qalibaf stated the parliament is prepared to decisively react to the EU in case the IRGC was blacklisted
The European Parliament need to know that the proposition it presented can not alter the truths
ISIS was supported and equipped by the conceited Western Front, and the one who combated terrorism and ended the existence of ISIS in the
region is the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps
This is a fact that Europe can not turn upside down, because all worldwide organizations and honest individuals acknowledge it, the speaker
said, according to Irans main news firm IRNA
He added, On the other hand, the Europeans support terrorism today
The European Parliament today supports the group of Hypocrites who tortured and assassinated more than 17,000 dear people of Iran, from
women and kids to the old and young
If this action of Europe occurs, they will definitely be thought about amongst the exact same terrorists and our habits with them in the
region will be the very same
Qalibaf specified, They ought to understand that we are at a level of deterrence that neither potential dangers nor actual threats are any
danger to us
As they know, we are responsible to them, and if they do something, they will be struck hard
He continued, Today, the European Council needs to decide whether to close the window of rationality and move towards the defense of
terrorism or to make another decision
We in the Islamic Council are ready to deal strongly with any action that tries to harm the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and misshape
the fact
After the meeting, General Salami recommended the Europeans to avoid duplicating their mistakes
If it wasnt for the efforts of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, especially the Quds Force and the management of Martyr Soleimani, the
terrorist volcano developed by the Americans would have swallowed up the Europeans and the security that prevails in Europe today would have
vanished, General Salami stated, according to IRNA
He included, As Trump stated, Obama was the creator of terrorism and produced this phenomenon for the very first time in Islamic lands
This fire was on the edges of Europe
If it was not consisted of, it would cover all the geographical levels of Europe
The habit of Europeans and Americans is that they constantly change the location of the executioner and the martyr, the oppressor and the
General Salami kept in mind, Europe was two times involved in a world war and today a new Europe has been formed on the ruins of the exact
same past wars
Europe has actually not learned from its previous mistakes and believes that with such statements it can shake this substantial army that
has lots of the power of faith, trust, power and will
He continued, We are never fretted about such threats or even acting upon them due to the fact that as much as our enemies offer us an
opportunity to act, we act more powerful
The IRGC is generally strong in action, those who make it possible for the IRGC to move, have actually worked for the benefit of the IRGC
However we advise the Europeans not to duplicate their previous errors
General Salami explained that if the Europeans make a mistake, they should accept the repercussions of their mistake.Hamid Reza
Moghaddam-Far, a consultant to the chief leader of the IRGC, has actually stated that EU move puts European military forces under the slap
of the IRGC
He said the resolution if acted on by the European Council, will have numerous ramifications and repercussions for the Europeans
Friends and enemies alike concur that the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps is the worlds largest and most effective fighter versus terrorist
companies and groups
The IRGC has dismantled every infamous terrorist company developed by the US and supported by Europe versus various countries, ethnic
backgrounds, religions and beliefs, Moghaddam-Far composed in a post released by Tasnim
Dealing with Deash terrorist group was the most recent and most visible example of the IRGCs battle against terrorism; the Daesh that was
created by the US and supported by Europe, was devouring whole West Asia, and no Muslim, Christian, or Jewish fans were safe from this
groups evil acts, murder, crime, and scary
Neither the Arabs, nor the Persians, nor the Kurds, nor any other ethnic group was protected from their threats; however, the IRGC has
actually challenged it and substantially minimized its devilish existence
He included, Given the enormous danger presented by Daesh and provided the reality that the whole world is now familiar with it, many
nations recognize that it was the IRGC and Haj Qassem Soleimani (the late commander of the IRGCs Quds Force) who withstood these terrorists
Now, if a society or parliament mistakenly wants to identify these anti-terrorism fighters as terrorists, what is really happening would be
a presentation of the genuine objective behind using a label by Europeans and Americans
The world will recognize more than ever that these titles are just a tool in hands of some western political leaders and they do not reflect
a belief or truth
As a result, the labeling of the IRGC would show more than anything that Europe and the US are against challenging terrorism rather than
with terrorism itself
Terrorism, in essence, is the result of liberalisms desire to exploit others
The advisor stated, Labeling the IRGC by Europeans changes absolutely nothing about the IRGC due to the fact that, first of all, the IRGC
has constantly been under pressure and the most severe sanctions from sponsors of terrorism, including the US and Europe
The IRGC will continue to combat terrorism as it has in the past
The EU move would be yet another example of European stupidity, as they have labeled themselves as a danger versus battling terrorism
Simply put, Europe will formally states that its forces would be a direct hazard to the IRGC; this would indicate a clear meaning in the
military and strategic structure
It implies that the IRGC will now think about the military forces of these European nations as a hazard to nations and geography of the
region, just like as Daesh and CENTCOM
Some European officials have actually stated that their parliaments approach is psychological; however, I would like to emphasize that no
emotion would be such foolish; this approach is pure stupidity
The Europeans wish to put their military forces in the region under slap of the IRGC
Europeans can do this, but trying this one would not be safe to them!