[Iran] - European sacrilege to Holy Quran draws ire of Iranians

TEHRAN-- Iranians throughout the country took to the streets on Friday to condemns the desecration of the Holy Quran in some European
The rallies were held after the Coordinative Council of Islamic Propagation contacted Iranians all over the nation to rally after the Friday
Prayer to denounce the desecration of the Holy Quran
Thousands of Iranians held demonstrations across the nation to condemn the desecration of the Holy Quran, Tasnim reported
Following the Friday prayers, worshipers gathered across Iran, marched in rallies, and chanted slogans, condemning the insult to the
magnificent book, Tasnim said.On Monday, a Dutch political leader tore apart a copy of the Holy Quran in the city of The Hague
It followed an incident in Sweden where a political leader burned a copy of the Quran outside the Turkish embassy.The politician devoted the
scandalous act after receiving permission from Swedish authorities who supplied cops guards to ensure nobody avoided it.The outrageous acts
have drawn strong condemnation from Muslims, with numerous states such as Iran, Pakistan, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates denouncing the
intriguing and Islamophobic relocation