[Iraq] - KDP leading figure calls for changing the federal court's structure

2023-01-31T12:58:05.000000 Z / Iraqs federal court does not respect the concept of separation of powers, and Iraq lacks the essential
foundations of a state, the head of the administrative commission of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), Fadhel al-Mirani, said in a
gathering honoring that the KDPs leading figure, Edris Mustafa Barzani, in Erbil
Iraq has a government, however, unfortunately, does not have a state, he said, since to be s state, in a sovereign and legal sense,
certain structures must check in
Our state lacks these structures
Sovereignty and independence ..
both are missing out on in Iraq, he described
The court does not respect the concept of separation of powers
In truth, it has ended up being the only authority in the nation, al-Mirani specified, by what right it decides to slash the rights of
Kurdistans individuals? No law enables cutting the salaries of public servants
Al-Mirani said that the federal courts law ought to be enacted as quickly as possible and alter its structure since it impedes the
legislative and executive authorities
Shedding light on the current situation in Iraq, al-Mirani stated, the Iraqi borders are porous, and Iraq itself is plagued by corruption
A superpower is controling its economy