Comics writer Grant Morrison signs a content deal with Magic Leap

Grant Morrison Square Slice Studios just signed a content deal with Magic Leap
If you&ve read a comic book at some point in the past two decades, odds are you&re very excited at this news
Morrison is, after all, one of the most exciting writers working in the comics media today
The Scottish writer came to prominence with series like the mind-bending &90s title The Invisibles, before helming some of the most
exciting big-name superhero books, from All-Star Superman to the New X-Men
Magic Leap, meanwhile — well, those precious few who have actually tried the thing say it pretty cool, at least
Morrison been trying his hands with a number of different storytelling mediums of late
The writer is behind the well-received SyFy series, Happy!, along with the channel upcoming Brave New World adaptation
He also been flirting with augmented reality for a while, having served as a consultant for Magic Leap since its early days
&Storytelling is my passion and I&ve found that new platforms allow me to extend my creative boundaries,& Morrison told Deadline, which
broke the news during San Diego Comic Con this week
&We see Magic Leap as the next great platform for storytelling and we are excited to collaborate on content that helps bring our wildest
dreams to life in the near future.& That, apparently, will be happening sooner than later
Magic Leap announced earlier this month that its One headset will finally start shipping this summer
That announcement came in the wake of years of building up a crazy amount of funding that pegged the company at a $6.3 billion valuation
Morrison co-founded Square Slice in 2016, along with a handful of gaming industry veterans, including Rockstar Stewart Waterson