Pieces of the Mirror

The book Pieces of the Mirror is the title of a book written by Nusratollah Mahmudzadeh, which tells the legend of the chemical martyrs of
the Fajr Brigade
Far, more than fourteen works in the field of war have been published by this author
* What is your objective and inspiration in composing the occasions of the war?Basically, the main factor for my existence on the cutting
edge was to record the occasions of the war
I was trying to blog about all the bravery and sacrifices of the soldiers so that it would last forever, and for this factor, all my
writings express the realities of the war
* How did you begin writing Pieces of the Mirror ? Composing this book started with a spark, the event that happened in Behbahan was a part
of the Karbala 5 operation and the chemical battle of the Behbahan location was like a drop of the ocean for me!I tried to compose a book in
which declarations are not repetitive for the reader and to recount events that have gotten less attention.I chose to write a book about the
warriors of Behbahan, thats why I called all the survivors of this battalion to document the incident
When I made the first contact with one of the battalion survivors, I felt he was talking to me with many pauses and his cough was familiar!
In the end, he said something that made me a lot more determined to write this book, he stated that he felt the chemical victims were
forgotten in society
* How did you make contact with Behbahan chemical veterans?When I began to write the book, I was already in touch with all these dears by
They even called me in the middle of the night and addressed my concerns! So that they themselves were my research study sources.In this
book, I was able to bring to life the beliefs of the Behbahan battalion survivors, and they recognized that they themselves have to fix the
problem of their solitude
I think this was the most important message of this book