Viewpoint: the reality is where the cash is

(Opinion) There is a guideline: a popular political leader in a nation, a previous prime minister or head of the central bank is
unexpectedly selected and promoted to the IMF, the president of the Council of Europe, or some other highest office for which everyone on
the planet has respect.These are frequently fantastic professions, and one wonders if people have competencies.Thats what happened with
Polands Donald Tusk
He did not obstruct the building and construction of the Northern Stream under Merkel, which would have been in line with the Polish states
raison dêtre at the time.The favorite child of Mummy (Merkel) in Poland ended up being the president of the European Council.A cost for
the services rendered to Germany and Gazprom Bank.The City of London
(Photo web recreation)Now Tusks arch-enemies have been ruling Poland for more than 8 years, and Kaczynskis favorite kid, the former head of
the state television station Jacek Kurski, all of a sudden got a task at the World Bank.His skills? None.But in some way, the pharmaceutical
lobbyists and the monetary elites needed to show thankfulness to him.For being a conservative political leader in the Covid pandemic,
resisting the right-wing and conspiracy-theory temptation to question the sense of vaccinations by his vital reporters, and scaring all
residents hand in hand with left-liberal media throughout the pandemic every day.Equally controversial was the election of Louis de Guindos,
Spains former economy minister, to the ECB board.De Guindos was a lender at Lehmann Brothers and, after the fall of the U.S
bank-- at Pricewaters Coopers.Likewise, President Macron and Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki rose from the banks to government circles.The
high workplaces are a cost for loyal service to lenders, not for service to the countrys people.In the fall of 2014, Jose Manuel Barroso
resigned as president of the European Commission after 10 years in office.He then waited the legally required 18 months before accepting a
task offer from Goldman Sachs.If Barroso cared in the least about the circumstance of the people of Europe, he would not have actually taken
a job at a bank that assisted Greece conceal its financial obligation prior to it signed up with the eurozone.However, it is hard to expect
a man who started his political career in the communist group to appreciate regular people.Goldman Sachs is unrivaled in this regard.The
organization successfully pushes its workers into positions in the structures of numerous countries and after that takes them over at the
end of their tenure.Sometimes the order is reversed.This is true, for instance, of Mario Draghi, Italian Finance Minister, then CEO of
Goldman Sachs, and now President of the European Central Bank.There are a lot more popular political leaders with ties to Goldman
Sachs.Before Mario Monti was appointed to head the Italian federal government (replacing the democratically chosen Silvio Berlusconi), he
was a senior consultant at Goldman Sachs.When Greece manipulated its debt right before signing up with the Eurozone, the head of the
National Bank of Greece was Petros Christodoulou, who started his career at Goldman.Until 2015, Peter Sutherland held the Managing Director
of Goldman Sachs International position.In the 1980s, Sutherland was Attorney General in Ireland
He was later selected EU Commissioner for Competition.He was also Irelands key representative in the negotiations over the nationalization
of the banks and the terms of the countrys bailout package.This shows that the elites are carefully linked to the financial world and that
it is not the politicians who rule the world but the masterminds on Wall Street and in the City of London.Not that this surprises anybody
who knows how to read between the lines of mainstream stories.