There is only one ladder out of this crisis President s address to the nation

move forward with reforms such as those implemented thus far, albeit being severely unpopular and criticized.Moreover, he noted that under
by the President;Most Venerable Maha Sangha and the clergy, my fellow citizens, all Sri Lankans abroad, dear children,Today, I will not be
delivering a traditional Independence Day statement
including the late D
They had not expressed a similar vision for any other country in the East.However, what has happened to us today?Today we are facing an
honest, all of us are more or less responsible for this situation
None of us can point fingers and blame each other.We made mistakes from the beginning, though efforts were made to rectify those mistakes,
Burgher, should forge ahead as Sri Lankans.However, after independence, we divided in terms of race, religion and region
We were divided to a point of developing suspicion and animosity against each other
accorded the power to these very same groups
In politics, lies were spread instead of the truth, and politicians who spoke the truth were rejected by the people
Those who pointed out the real situation of the country and sought related remedies were hardly given a place, yet those who satisfied
We depended on resources that did not belong to us, those which were received on loan facilities, and we borrowed even more loans.We adapted
provided, various goods and equipment were distributed, cash was also distributed.In most instances, we did not vote on behalf of the
country, instead, we voted for a candidate in order to receive a job, gain admission to a school for our children, and have a tender passed,
We worked for political candidates expecting personal favours in return
election pledges and to prove that the slogans shouted at the protests were correct, we borrowed more for consumption than for
investment.However, according to Buddhist philosophy, one should take loans for investment purposes and not for consumption
prioritizing politics
There are those who want to keep prolonging this wound forever, however, I do not like that
while, it is possible for us to heal this wound completely.There is no shortcut to getting out of this crisis, despite claims made by
certain political parties.We have only way to get rid of this situation if we want to overcome this crisis and achieve real economic and
agendas, we have no country, and we have no tomorrow.On several previous occasions, I pointed out the seriousness and danger of the looming
economic crisis we are currently facing, and I have already said that the first six months of this year will be extremely difficult
We have to face this difficult situation, even if we do not like it, for the sake of the country.Sugarcoated stories by politicians will not
resolve this crisis.Although a large number of people in this country moved away from poverty with free education and expanded the middle
class, today the country has turned into a land where it is impossible to fulfill their aspirations.I see the youth who should be working
hard in different fields in this country creating long queues to obtain passports instead, we need to change this.To achieve this, we should
modernize the economy and open it to the world.The corrupt political factionalism that deceives people, pushing them further into poverty
decisions that have to be taken for it are unpopular, it has to be done in order to overcome this crisis
We have to move away from narrow politics if we are to get rid of this crisis.We must face this challenge together as children of one
mother, and make our fullest contribution to strengthening the path toward the successful development of this country
We must all move forwards as Sri Lankan nationals leaving aside all differences.Hence the first steps towards the development of a strong
new economy have already been taken.We are in the final stages of securing certain difficult elements required for the IMF bailout, and we
are expecting their approval in this regard soon
We cannot be satisfied just by strengthening the economy, the entire system needs to be changed.All areas of the political system, the
legislature, Parliament, Executive, and State Institutions should be changed in a manner suitable to the modern era
Both the nation and us should benefit from this change.More space should be created in this new system for the representation and opinions
of young people and women in particular.We are in the process of presenting several proposals to the Parliament in this regard.Furthermore,
immediate action needs to be taken in relation to the specific issues faced by those in the North and East
dates these decisions are due to be implemented, after which these tasks are carried forwards based on their ideas.We have also prioritized
certain tasks such as the release of lands and prisoners.Measures are also underway to create the maximum devolution of powers possible
within the premise of a unitary state, however, we will never consent to the division of this nation.I am not attempting to treat a
is our only way forward.I know that many of the decisions I have been compelled to take since assuming the Presidency have been unpopular,
however, because of these decisions, today, no citizen of this country is forced to die of dehydration or starve without gas
They do not have shout out curses due to the lack of fertilizer.Therefore, regardless of the obstacles the anarchist political forces try to
country that need not beg from any other nation in the world, true freedom can be achieved.It is our collective responsibility to build a
new country in which our children can compete with the rest of the world.Therefore, I urge all parties to come together to overcome this
streamlined.Not only those of us who live in Sri Lanka should make a joint effort towards this, but those Sri Lankans living abroad, across
the globe, must also shoulder this journey.Everyone should contribute to the achievement of these goals to their fullest capacity.Let us
devote ourselves and unite as children of one mother, let us make our country one of the most developed in the world by 2048, when we will
celebrate 100 years of independence!Thank you all