Ayatollah Khamenei receives girls maturing

TEHRAN-- Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei got a group of young girls on Friday to collectively value the Taklif
The Taklif Celebration is held to commemorate the age at which young girls and boys matured in regards to observing religious obligations
In Islam, this age is 9 for ladies and 15 for kids
In the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei congratulated the young girls on their Taklif Celebration
My dear kids! The Taklif Celebration is a real event
It is genuinely an event
It is truly an Eid
Why? Due to the fact that from the moment you reach the age of being needed to perform your spiritual responsibilities, you talk with God
and God talks with you
Simply put, you are in a position where God will talk with you, He will entrust you with responsibilities, and you will carry out those
This is a valuable rank for human beings that individuals are addressed by God and God talks with them
This is what the Taklif Celebration indicates that after this you are not a child anymore
You are not a child, he stated, according to khamenei.ir
The Leader included, You are now girls with obligations, and you can have an influence on your family, in your school environment, and when
you are having fun with your pals
You can show others to the straight path and guide them, which is a duty that everybody have
A girl like you who has actually simply reached the age of observing the religious responsibilities is no various before the Almighty God
than an adult lady or an elderly guy in terms of the spiritual responsibilities
He noted, The advice I want to give you young people, my suggestions to my dear daughters, is that you end up being friends with God
Attempt to become friends with the Merciful God from the start of your youthhood
What is it like to be buddies with God? Among the methods of ending up being pals with God is when you are talking with God in prayer to
take note of this that you are talking with God
You are consulting with God
Discover the significance of the words in the prayers
Learn from your seniors and teachers the translation of Surah Al-Hamd, Surah Al-Ikhlas, and what you are saying when you are bowing and
When you pray, hope in such a way that you are talking with God
This is becoming buddies with God
This is one of the ways of ending up being buddies
Another way of becoming good friends [with God] is to be cautious to avoid the deeds that He has informed you not to do and to do the deeds
that He has stated you must do
This is the way to become friends with God
Today, you have intense hearts
You have shining hearts
You have pure hearts
End up being good friends with God from today