4th Session of Ninth Parliament to be stated open tomorrow

The Fourth Session of the Ninth Parliament is scheduled to be ceremonially declared open tomorrow (Feb 08) by President Ranil
Wickremesinghe.The practice session for the ritualistic opening was held on Monday (Feb 06) at the Parliament premises to which numerous
existed consisting of students of Presidents Girls College, Kotte.Following the ritualistic opening of the session tomorrow, the President
is arranged to present the Statement of Government Policy in Parliament at 10.00 a.m
pursuant to the powers vested in him under Article 33 of the Constitution.Upon the instructions of the President, arrangements have actually
been made to hold the ritualistic opening of the 4th session as an official event and therefore, gun salutes and motorcades will not be
held, Serjeant at Arms Narendra Fernando said.He said that the welcomed visitors have been told to take their seats by 09.15 a.m
tomorrow.Following the arrival of Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena and his better half, Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena will get here,
followed by the arrival of President Wickremesinghe and the first lady.Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena and Secretary General of the
Parliament Dhammika Dasanayake will receive the President near the main steps of the Parliament building.Followed by this welcome, the
Speaker and the Secretary General of the Parliament led by the Sergeant at Arms, Deputy Serjeant at Arms and Assistant Serjeant at Arms
shall escort the President to the Parliament House.On that celebration, the students of President Girls College, Kotte will sing Jayamangala
Gatha and bless the President and the Parliament.The President who will then arrive at the Robing Room will stay there until roughly 9.55
and according to tradition, the Deputy Sergeant at Arms, the Sergeant at Arms bring the Mace, the President followed by the Speaker, the
Secretary Generals of Parliament and the Assistant Sergeant at Arms will go into the chamber accordingly.Upon getting in the chamber, the
Deputy Sergeant at Arms shall announce Honorable President and the members of the ruling party and opposition will stand and salute
keeping in accordance with custom
The President who goes into the chamber commands your house and at this time the Speaker sits with the Secretariat in the lower seat as
throughout the Committee Stage.After the President presents the Statement of Government Policy, your home will be adjourned until 9.30 a.m
on Wednesday (Feb 09)
Following adjournment, a tea ceremony has actually been arranged for the welcomed visitors including diplomats.Foreign Diplomats, Former
Presidents, Chief Justice, Supreme Court Judges, Attorney General, Secretary of Defense, commanders of the three-armed forces and the
Inspector General of Police have actually been welcomed for the ceremonial Opening of the Fourth Session of the Ninth Parliament.