[Brazil] - Opinion: and that's how they ruined the world

By Daniel Lopez *(Opinion) This is both an unfortunate and eventful week.We have actually had the disaster of the strong earthquakes that
have actually preyed on thousands of individuals in Turkey and Syria.At the very same time, a memorandum of understanding was signed in
between the Central Bank of Brazil and the Peoples Bank of China, allowing bilateral transactions in Chinese currency (yuan) between
Brazilian and Chinese investors, business, and institutions.Surveillance, control and oppression
(Photo web reproduction)Amid all this confusion, the system continues to advance at high speed in consolidating its plans for the
concentration of power.It is a little spoke about subject, and yet one that will have huge repercussions for daily life: keeping track of
the carbon footprint and controlling the carbon credit.The objective is to keep track of, track, and trace every kg of CO2 that everyone
emits.Authorities develop that each person must respect a limit of 2 tonnes of carbon emissions per year.The issue is that, usually, each
person consumes around 16 tons per year.Conclusion: lowering practically 800% of private carbon emissions will be necessary.But how to do
this?The simplest way is what I have been stating for years: changing physical cash with digital cash (the CBDCs, the centralized currencies
of the central banks worldwide)
I think this change will be the systems worldwide checkmate against the masses, total control of such magnitude that not even George Orwell
might have imagined in his darkest nightmares.While this tradition has yet to take hold, they have actually designed a way to start control
of the so-called carbon footprint
The solution (or misfortune) is being brought about by a company called Doconomy, a Swedish fin-tech start-up for daily environment
actions.Through a contract with Mastercard, they have developed, they state, an innovative tool for customers who wish to take action
against environment modification
They have actually established a card called Mastercard DO Black, which motivates clients to offset their carbon footprint by participating
in jobs that follow the standards of sustainable tasks endorsed by the United Nations.This is through an agreement with the UN secretariat
of Climate Change (UNFCCC), which intends to motivate environment security actions on an international level.The future that is being drawn
is a world in which carbon consumption kept track of by central digital currency will grant social credits to those who behave
If the consumer is vegan, their intake will be well-priced, with little carbon production.So too, for those who consume lab-grown synthetic
meats, insects, and other system-sponsored delicacies
On the other hand, if one consumes meat, one will end up being a global villain , a polluter of the environment, and a destroyer of
nature.A deviant who does not consider the typical excellent and the conservation of the planet.This will be the Codex Alimentarium fully in
Not only that: mobility will likewise be completely controlled.I have already composed short articles commenting on a choice in the UK that
would prevent a citizen from driving into surrounding neighborhoods beyond a certain limit.The same thing happened with airlines.Even today,
when buying an airline company ticket, the platforms already inform just how much carbon emission that extends releases.Depending on the
route flown, the individual will consume all their authorized carbon credit annually.If somebody exceeds the limit, they will at first pay a
Later on, they may deal with a series of penalties.Perhaps the entire population will be required to pay the rate through a climate
lockdown so that individuals will actually have nothing, but enjoy, and everything they need they will obtain, and it will be provided
to their doorstep through a drone
As constantly, control.In this line of reasoning, the future that is being drawn is a world in which carbon intake monitored by centralized
digital currency will grant social credits (for those who behave ) and the loss of advantages for the rebels
They might be avoided from taking a trip, accessing universities and public services, or perhaps having their digital bank account
obstructed for not following the systems dictates.It is a problem come to life
Following the precept that understanding is power , the more people who know about this process, possibly there is a chance that the
managing wishes of the system will not be realized
God bless us
* Daniel Lopez is a journalist who graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro School of Communication, a doctor in Linguistics
(UFF), a master in Linguistics (UERJ), a bachelor in Theology (UMESP), and a licentiate in Literature
He has actually been a pastor at Bola de Neve Sede Church, in São Paulo, given that 2014
He is an author, translator, and university professor
Preserves the YouTube channel Daniel Lopez and the site www.daniellopez.com.br.With details from Gazeta do Povo