[Iran] - Eagle 44 is a special military base in the world

The other day, Iran revealed its most recent and most updated defense fortifications, which was an underground air base, the Iran newspaper
writes.The publication composes there are a couple of points about the military base: First, its unveiling carries an important message for
some local and extra-regional actors who have been saber-rattling for a long time by altering their tune.Second, pursuing a defense policy
based upon civil defense, which for many years not just reduces the costs to protect sensitive and military centers but likewise leads to
compliance with the principle of surprise in operations.The 3rd point is a distinctive feature of the military installation compared to
similar bases worldwide, which reveals the technical capability of the engineers who developed it.Etelaat: Do not leave the earthquake to
GodIn a commentary, Etelaat describes the substantial earthquake in Turkey and Syria and cautions about the occurrence of a similar
occurrence in Iran.It likewise refers to the current Khoi earthquake and states: The lesson that these occasions should teach us is not to
enable irreparable damage in natural disasters.The daily also points out the possibility of an earthquake in Tehran and composes: We all
know the amazing risk of a strong earthquake in the capital, and we just say God forbid and ask God that this never takes place
It is not wise to forget the possibility or leave everything to God.The paper points how the Japanese have actually dealt with the
earthquake problem over the past couple of decades and writes: For example, in the earthquake-prone country of Japan, even the event of
strong earthquakes should be accompanied by minimal losses and damages.It is hoped that the current occasions will make us think about
preparing for a better and safer future
God willing.Arman-e-Melli: Grossis essential journeyIn an op-ed in Arman-e-Melli, political analyst Hassan Beheshtipour refers to the
distinction in between Iran and the IAEA concerning the modification to the affiliation in between two clusters of centrifuges in Fordow and
the Western reaction to it and composes: It appears that the misunderstanding will be cleared up with Mr
Grossis visit to Iran to the level that we can discover responses to the IAEAs three questions.An agreement may be made with the IAEA
Although it appears not likely that Iran will right away address the questions in the very same meeting with Grossi, the 2 sides can reach a
solution to address the questions slowly or based on a particular schedule.If the IAEAs concerns are responded to, it appears that a new
round of negotiations will be formed
The U.S
was awaiting the results of the protests in Iran, and when it saw that the unrest did not get to a result, Washington is now more willing to
If we reach a proper solution throughout Mr
Grossis see to Tehran, we can both avoid the approval of a new resolution in the Board of Governors and have a new start in the discussion
with the Europeans and Americans.Javan: Eagle 44, Irans bargaining chip in the regionThere were 3 developments in the military field in the
last two months, particularly the Zulfiqar 1401 military workouts and the unveiling of some achievements, the joint exercise in between the
and the Zionist routine which was an answer to Irans, and the first underground air base called Eagle 44
Such moves by the army have a deterrent element above all since the strategy of the U.S
and the Zionist regime is normally complete destruction of the competitors military power in the first moments of the war (first strike,
also called preemptive strike) and the construction of bases like Eagle 44 will make their method inefficient
And for Iran, which has actually developed underground cities for rockets, drones, and now fighters, it is a fantastic benefit in any
possible war.Ham-Mihan: JCPOA is a hurdle to Tehran-Riyadh tiesHam-Mihan takes a look at the negotiations between Iran and Saudi Arabia and
writes: In recent years, efforts have been made to re-establish diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and finally, the first
round of talks started in September 2021 in Baghdad, and five rounds were held up until April 2022
The reopening of Irans office in the secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Jeddah, and the return of the ambassadors of
Kuwait and the UAE to Iran were amongst the achievements of these talks.The date for the 6th round has not yet been determined.Iraqi Prime
Minister Mohammad Shia al-Sudani recently asked his foreign minister to resume efforts to arrange the 6th round of negotiations, but
evidence shows that Saudi Arabia considers the deadlock in settlements to restore the JCPOA as an obstacle to resuming
relations.Siasat-e-Rooz: Ambiguity surrounding the JCPOASiasat-e-Rooz composes: The status of the JCPOA is unknown, there is no clear
horizon for it, the revival of the arrangement, which was limping from the start, needs the breath of the Messiah! Irans nuclear agreement
with 5 +1 or, in other words, Iran and the U.S
deal had a lot of weak points from the very beginning.The contract was organized in such a method that Iran was the only nation obliged to
comply.Iran did not benefit from sticking to its commitments
Nevertheless, the opposite party, particularly the United States, not only did not satisfy its dedications, it likewise put under pressure
and sanctions every country that worked together financially with Iran.Upon going into the White House, Trump finally revealed his
withdrawal from the nuclear arrangement with Iran
Europe has actually consistently stated that the JCPOA is not dead, it has not done anything to restore it in practice
But Iran must be devoid of reliance on the agreement that conditioned its economy.