Google celebrates Valentine's Day with animated doodle

Google, on the occasion of Valentine's Day on Tuesday, showcased an animated doodle that celebrates the most romantic day of the year
season for birds
They associated this phenomenon with love and began romantic celebrations soon after
Saint Valentine, is thought to have been named in honour of Saint Valentine, a third-century Roman Catholic priest, who died on February 14
in 270 AD
It originated as a Christian feast honouring one or two early Christian martyrs named Saint Valentine.Valentine's Day customs of sending
gifts developed in early modern England and spread throughout the English-speaking world in the 19th century
Later in the 20th and early 21st centuries, these spread to other countries.There are a number of martyrdom stories associated with various
Valentines connected to February 14, including an account of the imprisonment of Saint Valentine of Rome for ministering to Christians
persecuted under the Roman Empire in the third century
According to an early tradition, Saint Valentine restored sight to the blind daughter of his jailer
Numerous later additions to the legend have better related it to the theme of love: an 18th-century embellishment to the legend claims he
wrote the jailer's daughter a letter signed 'Your Valentine' as a farewell before his execution; another tradition posits that Saint
Valentine performed weddings for Christian soldiers who were forbidden to marry.