Pakistan Sikhs welcoming Islam face difficult time

AMRITSAR: After Christians, Ahmadiyyas and Hindus, the Sikhs are the 4th largest minority in Pakistan transforming to Islam
These brand-new Muslims are afraid of their own people as they refuse to cooperate with them for discarding their birth religion.These
people are particularly finding it tough to fulfill formalities to get government documents on their new Muslim identities.Muhammad Abdul
Waris, general secretary, Huqooq-un-Naas Welfare Foundation, a Pakistan-based organisation, said pleased with its mentors, people from the
minority communities accept Islam
In Pakistan, Hindus and Sikhs come at No
3 and 4 respectively, while Christians and Ahmadiyyas stand at No
1 and 2 as far as embracing Islam is worried, said Waris.The other minority neighborhoods in Pakistan consist of Kalash, Buddhists, Bahai,
Parsis and Zikris.The Huqooq-un-Nass makes every effort to inform, establish and fix social, cultural and political issues of those who
accept Islam as a faith, said Muhammad Abdul Waris, who was Waris Masih prior to embracing Islam.On the reports of forcible conversions in
Pakistan, Waris emphatically rejected the accusations
He said this was a wrong presumption
Waris declared that the news reports released in this regard were inaccurate and biased.Most of these cases were of runaway marriages, which
were provided entirely a various colour, and offered negative protection in the media, he reasoned
When I accepted Islam, my relative said I was forcibly transformed
However I wonder, I myself didnt understand that I was being required to embrace Islam, he said sarcastically.Waris, who was born as
Christian, welcomed Islam in 2006
He believed that the brand-new Muslims faced different concerns, including the danger from their own member of the family when they
convert.When asked why Sikhs, Hindus, and Christians were transforming to Islam, he said Islam was the only faith that bestows peace,
serenity, instructions, and discipline, which other religious beliefs lack whichs why the people of minority religions were embracing it.