Facebook suspends another analytics firm over potential data misuse

Facebook is no doubt keen to let the Cambridge Analytica scandal fade into history, but its problems with third-party companies and data
misuse continue
Crimson Hexagon is the latest analytics firm to be suspended by Facebook, pending an investigation into its use of data for "surveillance"
purposes.Exactly what Facebook means by "surveillance" isn't clear, but it seems Crimson Hexagon has questions to answer over how
aggressively it's been tracking users on Facebook and Instagram
The company monitors social media sentiment for a roster of blue chip clients, and also has links to platforms like Twitter and Tumblr.For
after the Wall Street Journal raised questions about its connections to the US government, a Russian organization linked to the Kremlin, and
the Turkish government.Follow the data"We don't allow developers to build surveillance tools using information from Facebook or Instagram,"
said Facebook in a statement, the Guardian reports
"We take these allegations seriously, and we have suspended these apps while we investigate Based on our investigation to date, Crimson
Hexagon did not obtain any Facebook or Instagram information inappropriately."Whatever the outcome of the investigation, it's a data privacy
headache that Facebook could do without
On the other hand, Mark Zuckerberg and his exec team will want to be seen to be being tough on companies that don't follow the rules in
regards to harvesting personal information from social media."Crimson Hexagon is fully cooperating with Facebook, who has publicly stated
its investigation to date has found no wrongdoing." said Crimson Hexagon's Chris Bingham in a statement
The company has also put up a blog post explaining some of its data collection practices, which it says only include public data available
to anyone on the web.