El Salvador's global reserves at precarious levels, warn experts

Specialists have recently suggested that El Salvadors net worldwide reserves reveal low levels.The International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission
examined Article IV and indicated that although the countrys total fiscal deficit was reduced to about 2.5% of GDP, international reserves
have fallen to about 2 months of imports.Also, Sergi Lanau, deputy chief economic expert at the Institute of International Finance (IIF),
stated in September 2022 that the external financing outlook would be important for the bond payment due January 24
El Salvadors Central Reserve Bank (Photo internet recreation)Although he now acknowledges being excessively downhearted, we still believe
that preventing extreme distress in 2023-24 will be impossible without a policy change
It is unclear that the bond maturing by 2025 ″ will be paid.Lanau estimated that since January 31, El Salvadors reserves amounted to US$
1.8 billion, which is lower than the US$ 2.240 billion taped by the Central Reserve Bank (BCR) in 2022
This figure was already 33% lower than in 2021 (US$ 900 million less)
Weeks ago, Fitch Ratings also discussed the precarious levels of net global reserves , which have actually preserved a downward pattern in
the last four years, pressured generally by a big bank account deficit that the company projections at 5.8% of GDP in 2023 (in spite of
reasonably high remittance inflows) and high external amortizations.In an analysis shared on social media networks, economist and consultant
Otto Boris Rodríguez said that what should be clear is that the resources offered to the economy are significantly limited , and the
Central Bank has a ceiling also
The expert described it as difficult and complicated circumstances, given the concept that the Central Bank must not fund the State, nor
its organizations, either straight or indirectly , which is likewise a guideline for prudential factors to prevent or reduce the risk of
destabilization of the macroeconomy, is being broken
The BC is typically the last resort resource in economies
Although the proper level of NIR depends upon market expectations about a nations liquidity and solvency conditions to attract worldwide
capital flows, the IMF argues that global reserves need to cover three to four months of a nations imports to smooth consumption in case of
a dramatic drop in exports.With details from Bloomberg