TISL files FR case over controversial medical supplies procurement through Indian Credit Line

Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) has filed a fundamental rights petition with the Supreme Court today (Feb
16), naming 47 Respondents, in relation to the steps taken by the Cabinet of Ministers, the Minister of Health, the Ministry of Health, and
the National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA) to procure medical supplies from two Indian private companies.TISL says this case is
access to information have been violated, along with serious disregard for the health, safety and well-being of the people and in total
abuse of public trust and public funds
TISL further seeks further information on these transactions.The petition seeks interim orders against the procurement based on this
unsolicited proposal and the placing of any orders, approvals for Waiver of Registration of 38 drugs, importation of said drugs into Sri
Lanka and making payment for such drugs.The Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption, the Director-General of Customs,
the Inspector-General of Police, Savorite Pharmaceuticals (Pvt) Limited, Kausikh Therapeutics Pvt Limited and the Attorney-General have also
been named as respondents in the petition.