Local Govt polls- EC to file unique movement prior to Supreme Court

The Election Commission has actually chosen to submit an unique motion prior to the Supreme Court detailing the difficulties it is dealing
with during the preparations for the 2023 Local Government Election on March 09
Chairman of the election body, Attorney-at-Law Nimal G
Punchihewa says insufficient funds, inadequate supply of fuel for transportation, the hold-ups in tally paper printing by the Government
Printer and several other concerns stand in the way of LG election preparations.Punchihewa also noted that adequate security steps are not
in place for the Department of Government Printing to make sure that ballot paper printing work is performed smoothly.The Election
Commission, remembering the current undertaking it provided before the Supreme Court to hold the Local Government Election on March 09 as
scheduled, said it expects to inform the leading court about not being able to support its pledge.On Friday (Feb 17), Punchihewa divulged
that the Treasury Secretary has informed the Election Commission that moneying the Local Government Election at the minute is
challenging.Meanwhile, Government Printer Gangani Liyanage mentioned that the printing work for the Local Government Election continues to
deal with limitations without adequate security measures.Against this background, the Election Commission was forced to forever postpone the
postal voting of the Local Government Election, which was set up to be held on February 22, 23, 24 and 28
A number of demonstrations were also staged in numerous parts of the country versus the federal governments efforts to delay the election.