[Sri Lanka] - BASL deeply concerned about current efforts to disrupt LG elections

The Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) has revealed its deep issue about the current attempts by state authorities to interfere with the
Local Government Elections, set up to be hung on March 09
In a news release, the BASL worried that elections should not be hindered as they are a vital part of Sri Lankas democratic process.The
association stated it is of the view that attempts to interfere with the electoral procedure should not just be defeated however all those
responsible for such disturbance should be dealt with in accordance with the law.Calling on the federal government and all state officials
to appreciate the Constitution and the law, and to make sure that the Local Government Elections are as scheduled without any more attempts
to interrupt or disrupt the process, the BASL noted that it is the sacred task of the government to make certain that funds are attended
to carrying out the elections.Recalling numerous decisions taken by the government in current weeks, purportedly targeted at managing public
funds, have actually had the effect of avoiding the Election Commission from carrying out the polls, the BASL stated these include a need by
the Government Printer for the release of funds prior to the printing of tally documents and the Treasury Secretary declaring that there are
no funds offered for the elections
This is despite a spending plan allotment of Rs
10 billion for the function of elections
The association, calling the conduct of the Treasury Secretary, the Government Printer and other federal government authorities and
organizations over the last couple of weeks a clear presentation of a collective effort to bring the elections to a halt , the BASL said
this weakens the franchise of individuals and threatens the sovereignty of individuals of Sri Lanka
Such attempts to prevent elections mandated by the law represent an extraordinary attack on democracy and the rule of law and position a
severe danger to the electoral procedure in the future
The BASL alerted that such actions could set a dangerous precedent for an undesirable executive or legislature to obstruct the allowance of
resources for an election and avoid individuals of Sri Lanka from choosing their agents and leaders.The BASL likewise pointed out that
Articles 104 B (2) and 104 GG (1) of the Constitution make it clear that all state authorities are duty-bound to work together with the
Elections Commission and that declining or failing to do so is a criminal offence punishable with imprisonment.In terms of Article 33 (c) of
the Constitution, the President, too, is empowered to ensure the production of correct conditions for the conduct of free and fair
elections, at the demand of the Election Commission.