[Sri Lanka] - Navy collars 53 individuals for engaging in prohibited fishing

Sri Lanka Navy has actually collared 53 persons in total for engaging in prohibited fishing, during separate operations performed in
Achchanakulam of Mannar, Pungudutivu of Jaffna, Narivilkulam of Mannar, seas off the Palaitivu Island, Kalmunai Point and northeast of the
island from February 09-15
Together with the suspects, 13 dinghies, 01 fishing trawler, fishing gear, unlawfully caught fish, sea cucumber and conch shells were taken
into marine custody.Three people who were catching decorative fish without a licence in Achchanakulam sea area in Mannar were caught on
February 09 by SLNS Pussadewa in the North Central Naval Command.The search operation also led to the seizure of about 325 ornamental fish,
a rowboat as well as diving and fishing equipment utilized for this unlawful act.Meanwhile, SLNS Gotaimbara in the Northern Naval Command
apprehended another individual for illegally harvesting sea cucumber without a legitimate licence off Punkudutivu in Jaffna, throughout an
unique search carried out on February 10
The Navy likewise collared about 119 illegally harvested sea cucumbers and a dinghy in this search operation.On February 11, SLNS Pussadewa
in the North Central Naval Command apprehended 08 people for gathering sea cucumber illegally off Narivilkulam, Mannar
The special search operation likewise caused the apprehension of about 78 illegally harvested sea cucumbers, a rowboat, as well as fishing
and diving equipment.In two more different search operations mounted off the Palaitivu Island in Jaffna on February 13, SLNS Kanchadewa in
the Northern Naval Command collared 06 individuals who were collecting sea cucumber by prohibited ways
The marine personnel engaged in these operations also held about 163 unlawfully harvested sea cucumbers, 57 conch shells, 02 dinghies,
diving gear and fishing equipment.Meanwhile, SLNS Welusumana in the Northern Naval Command performed a special search operation off the
Kalmunai Point, Jaffna on February 14 and collared 24 people for illegal harvesting of sea cucumber
During the operation, about 509 illegally collected sea cucumbers, 03 dinghies, 01 fishing trawler, diving gear and fishing devices were
likewise taken into marine custody.In addition, the Naval Deployment Vettalakeni in the Northern Naval Command conducted unique search
operations in the sea location northeast of the island on February 14 and 15 and collared 11 individuals for taking part in fishing by means
of unapproved fishing gear
The operation also resulted in the seizure of 05 dinghies and fishing equipment used for this unlawful act.The presumes apprehended in these
operations together with illegally captured fish, sea cucumber and conch shells along with their fishing and diving gear were turned over to
fisheries inspectors in particular areas for onward legal action.